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Transaction Update - WOUPTR

The Work Order Management (WO) Transaction Update (WOUPTR) page is used to record actual transactions that occur for a given pre-defined work order. Work Orders are defined on WO Data Entry (WOUPWO) or WO Work Request (WOUPWR) pages. Transaction records can be manually entered using this page, or they are interfaced in from other modules (i.e., AP, SI, PY), providing the interface is set up and enabled.

If transactions are to be interfaced in from other modules, NU Common Codes (NUUPCD), with a Category/Value WOSL/TRIAD must be defined. The Short Description field of the code must be set to ON. No other fields are required.

Work Order: The pre-defined Work order number for the transaction being recorded. This field is display only in the update mode. The Work Order description is echo-displayed to the right.

Date: Date for the transaction.

Code ID: Type of work order expenditure. Valid choices include LABR (Labor), EQPT (Equip), MTRL (Material), and OTHR (Other). Code IDs are hard-coded in static codes. Code Values for each Code ID are defined on the Work Order (WO) Codes (WOUPCD) page.

Code Value: This field contains a specific code value, based on the Code ID. Valid choices appear in a drop list and are user-definable via the WO Codes page. The contents of the Data Lookup window, accessed by <Ctrl+L> keys or clicking the ellipsis, will differ depending upon the Code ID chosen. When the Code ID value of MTRL is chosen, the product records defined on the PE Product Information (PEUPPR) page, which may or may not be stocked in the Stores/Inventory database, will populate the Data Lookup Window. When a Code ID of LABR, EQPT or OTHR is chosen, the Data Lookup Window will be populated by the values defined on the WO Codes page. When a Code ID other than MTRL is chosen, updating the Code Value will also update the Desc and Rate fields automatically.

Item: This is a unique number (max 10 digits) that identifies a particular item with the Work Order.

Desc: Description of this transaction. (Maximum length = 30 characters)

Qty: This field contains the item quantity. (Maximum length = 20,5 numeric)

Rate: This field contains the item rate. (Maximum length = 20,5 numeric)

Overhead: The overhead amount associated with the item. (Maximum length = 20,2 numeric)

Total: Total amount for this transaction (quantity times rate, plus overhead); display only.

PEID: Person/Entity ID associated with the transaction, if applicable. The Data Lookup is validated against the PE ID database defined in the Person/Entity Information (PEUPPE) page.

Subsystem: Enter the subsystem that pertains to this Work Order, if applicable.

Reference: Reference number associated with the transaction. Typically, this is a key reference number from another subsystem, such as an invoice number. (Maximum length = 16 characters)

Secondary Ref: Secondary reference value. (Maximum length = 16 characters)

GL Post Date: Select the Post Date used when posting to the general ledger from the calendar within the drop-down list.

AR Bill Date: Select the date that the item was sent to Accounts Receivable for billing from the calendar within the drop-down list.

Actual Post Code: This field contains the posting code attached to the original transaction.

Actual Account: If this transaction came from another subsystem, this is the account number that was attached to the original transaction.

Assigned Post Code: This field contains the posting code used when posting to the general ledger.

Assigned Account: This is the account number responsible for the work order transaction. When using the subsystem interface, this value comes from the WO General Information (WOUPGN) page as the account number that will be charged for the work being performed.  Account fields support fully qualified account strings, as shown. Click on the ellipsis to change display format or to lookup accounts.

Job: System derived Job number displayed when this transaction was processed in another subsystem.

GL Post Job: This field contains the Job Number used when posting to the general ledger.

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