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Update Encumbrance Divisions - ENUPDV

The Encumbrances (EN) Update Encumbrance Divisions (ENUPDV) page is used to define all relevant Encumbrance Division Codes. Encumbrance Divisions are logical groupings or divisions of transactions posted to the encumbrance database. The divisions defined are a means of creating sub ledgers within the ENDB. 

Although not a requirement, it is common to find that Encumbrance Divisions closely resemble divisions created in the Accounts Payable module. For example, the Accounts Payable module may have been divided as follows: All Trade Accounts Payable would be in "TRDE"; all employee advances would be in "ADV"; and, all Inventories would be in "INV". The Encumbrance database may match the A/P divisions and during Encumbrance data entry, the appropriate division to encumber (e.g., TRDE, ADV, or INV) would be specified.

Once transactions have been posted to the above divisions, a report can be produced such as an aging, summary, or transaction report by Division. This allows for producing a report with only those Encumbrances created for Employee Advances (ADV). These reports are useful in reconciliation and budget management because Encumbrance transactions are divided into logical groupings that are easier and more manageable to use.

Division Code: Enter up to a four-character code to indicate a division within the Encumbrance database. These Division Codes are used to logically group related transactions within the database.
Description: Enter up to 30 characters describing the division.

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