Work Requests - WOUPWR
The Work Order Management (WO) Work Requests (WOUPWR) page is an alternate view of the WO Data Entry (WOUPWO) page. It can be used to enter new work orders or view and update existing work orders. The fields visible on this page are a subset of those available on the WO Data Entry page and provide a simplified method of entering work requests.
This page could be used to allow users the ability to create a request for work to be done, without needing to know all of the information needed to estimate costs, assign tasks, and provide instructions for the work to be performed. The work request can be entered and sent to another individual for an estimate request. When the estimated costs have been provided, the work request can be evaluated by the creator to determine if they want to approve the work order and proceed with having the work performed. The page also provides the creator with the ability to monitor the status of the work order and the actual costs versus the estimated costs associated with the work being performed.
Page header
Work Order: Select the ellipsis to identify the primary identification of the work order or create a new unique work order number. A Work Order seed value can be defined in NU Common Codes (NUUPCD), with a Category/Value of SYNO/WONO. Multiple seeds may exist. Each seed created must have a Code Category of SYNO and a Code Value that begins with WONO such as WONOIT or WONOTR. When seed value codes exists, to pull the next available seed value click on the ellipsis button to the right of the Work Order number field and select the desired seed option from the drop-down list that appears. In add mode, the Work Order field will only be filled automatically when the SYNO/WONO common code is set. It cannot be WONOIT or WONOTR.
Description: A 30-character field for a short, one-line description of the work order.
Priority: A two-character field used to designate which work orders are more important. As this field does not affect processing in any way, it is used for inquiry and reporting purposes.
Status: All Work Orders are created with a code of AC for Active. All other desired status codes are user defined in the Work Order (WO) Codes (WOUPCD) page with a Code ID of STAT. The status can be changed using the drop-down list.
Ledger: Select the ledger to be associated with the work order. The drop list will contain all the ledgers that have been defined within the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page or to the ledger(s) allowed within the user's security definition.
Type: Click the drop-down menu to select a Type code from drop list. Codes displayed are defined on WO Codes page, with a code ID of TYPE.
Reason: Click the drop-down menu to select a Reason code from drop list. Codes displayed are user-defined on WO Codes page, with a code ID of REAS.
Location: Click the drop-down menu to select the Location of the work being performed. Location codes displayed are user-defined on WO Codes page, with a Code ID of LCTN.
Requested Date: The Requested Date field is automatically populated when a new work order is created. It is recommended that users be restricted via user security from changing this field once the work order has been created.
Department: Click the drop-down menu to select the Department that will be assigned to perform the work on this work order. Codes displayed are user-defined on WO Codes page, with a Code ID of DEPT.
Requested By: The Requested By field is automatically populated with the User ID of the person creating the record when a new work order is created. The User ID can be overwritten with a value up to 20 characters.
Work Order Total: This display-only field shows the total of the work order.
Long Description: If the description field is not long enough, this 197-character field can be used to store a longer description of the work to be performed. Any additional description should be attached via scanned in imaging or by entering a Threaded Note on the Attachments panel. (Refer to the Image Enabler product information for more details.)
Accounts tab
The Work Order Accounts tab contains information about what account(s) will be debited (changed against) for the work performed. An unlimited number of splits are available.
Percent Split: This six-character field is used to denote the percentage to apply to the corresponding account number.
Account Number: Enter the GL and/or JL account number. Account field supports fully qualified account strings, as shown. Click on the ellipsis to change the format or to lookup accounts.
Total Percent: This non-enterable field displays the total percentages currently allocated. It should always be 100% before completing the work order.
Details tab
This tab is used to capture detail associated with the work order. Specifically, this page is used to enter estimates of the different types of items necessary for this task (e.g., materials, equipment, labor, and other costs such as those associated with work performed by third-party contractors). This information can be used on a report, to compare the estimated and actual costs associated with the work being performed.
Detail: Select the drop-down list to identify the type of detail. Valid entries are EQPT, LABR, MTRL, and OTHR. The entry in this field will determine the field name that displays directly below the Detail field to one of the following: Product ID / Labor Code / Equip Code / Other Code. Not only does the field label change, but also the source location used as the lookup and validation point is different. For Materials (The MTRL detail type), the code validates against the BusinessPlus product database defined in PE Product Information (PEUPPR). For all other codes, the source is the WO Codes page.
Product ID / Labor Code / Equip Code / Other Code: The field name and lookup options for this field are driven by the selection made in the Detail drop-down list.
Equip Code: This code validates against the WO Codes with a Code ID of EQPT. It is also useful for defaulting the description, rate, and rate type information (if it has been defined) on the WO Codes page for the equipment code chosen.
Labor Code: If entering a LABR detail, the label for this field appears, and validates against the WO Codes, filtering out WO Codes that have a LABR Code ID. It is also useful for defaulting the description, rate, and rate type information (if it has been defined) on the WO Codes for the labor code chosen.
Product ID: When entering a MTRL detail, this 16-character field can be used to request a specific product for the work order. A lookup button is available that displays items from the PE Product Information database. Not only does it provide a place to enter a specific part number, it is also useful for defaulting the description, rate, and rate type. The description field can be overwritten in cases where a Product ID is not used. When a product code from the product database is used, the detail records can be used to automatically create a Stores/Inventory order when the WOUTSI utility is run.
Other Code: This code validates against the WO Codes with a Code ID of OTHR.
Qty: A six-character field to store the quantity of the given item on the work order.
Rate: An eight-character field designating the item rate. This rate is derived if using codes with rates defined on WOUPCD, or may be entered manually. A rate type field follows, which describes the rate (for example, each, box).
When using a Product ID and Warehouse, the software will use the values from the SI Inventory Information (SIUPIN) page, (Total FIFO Value / Quantity) to calculate the Rate value.
Overhead: This optional field is used to add a cost to the work order to offset the overhead costs associated with processing the work order. The overhead rate is defined in two fields. The first field is used to select a predefined overhead rate. Predefined overhead rates codes are created in the WO Codes page, with a Code ID of OVER, to be a percentage of the item total. When the desired rate code for the work order is selected from a drop-down list of available rates, the amount is calculated and placed in the second field. If a flat rate is to be assigned for the overhead costs, instead of a percentage of the item total, the drop-down field is left blank and the flat rate amount is entered into the second field.
Item: An eight-character field to store the number for a particular item on the work order. This field is automatically defaulted to the next available number for a given work order.
Warehouse: For material item details (type MTRL), this four-character field is available to indicate which inventory warehouse the item should come from. The warehouse chosen will be used to create the Stores/Inventory order when the WOUTSI utility is run.
FAID: When entering Equipment details (type EQPT), this 12-character field can be used to identify a specific asset to be used as equipment on a work order. Lookup and validation of this field is linked to the Fixed Assets database.
SSN: This field may be used for unique ID tracking; it is not validated to any database.
Item Total: This non-enterable field displays the extended amount of the item, factoring in quantity, rate, and overhead.
Material / Equipment / Labor / Other Total: This non-enterable field displays the extended amount of all items linked to the current item type. For instance, if entering/browsing a MTRL detail, the total displayed will be for all materials tied to the current work order.
Work Order Details Total: This value is displayed on the Totals tab in the Detail Estimates column.
Totals tab
There are two uses for this tab. First, it allows for quick, non-detailed work order estimates, separating the estimate into its general categories (Materials, Equipment, etc.). Second, it can show totals calculated from either detailed estimates, or the actual work order transactions.
Work Order Estimates: These fields are available for rough estimates of each type of detail. This page will prevent the user from entering data into these fields if there is corresponding detail information (e.g., If detailed labor estimates have been entered the total will appear in the center column, and the user will be unable to enter a general estimate in the Labor field).
Detail Estimates: These totals are automatically calculated from the details that have been entered (refer to the Details tab information section of this page).
Detail Actuals: If work order transaction details have been entered in association with the work order, then those details will be automatically summed and grouped into these fields, based on detail type.
Attachments and tools tabs
Attachments made to the Work Order will be found on the Attachment panel. Additionally, Tools for Work Order provides the ability to create a new work order by copying an existing one.