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Accounts Payable Interface - PYUTAP

The Accounts Payable interface is a utility to create an AP Set based on Payroll contributions and deductions for the pay period. This set is then available for normal processing and pay through the AP Subsystem.

Period as YYcclll (YY=Year, cc=Pay Cycle, lll=Number): Enter the period for which this function is to be performed.

How would you like employees selected? Select one of the following selection options:

  • ID: Select by ID.

  • PC: Select entire pay cycle. For a regular payroll, select this option.

  • SC: Select by selection criteria. For interim checks, select this option.

A/P Set name: Enter up to 8 characters for the batch name. The first character must be a letter and the other characters may be alphanumeric. (for example: P0301001, PY23FEB).

Type of Set: Identify the type of batch file:

  • IP: Immediate Pay (default)

  • OH: Open Hold

Transaction Description: Enter a description associated with this batch (for example: February PY Withholdings). The limit is 30 characters.

Would you like Totals only on the report? 

  • Yes (default): Only prints totals and does not include transaction information.

  • No: Prints both totals and transaction information.

Job number or ALLEnter a specific job number or ALL for all relevant transactions.

Line Printer Copies, Name, Pri.Enter the name of the printer that will receive the report.

Process Check Maintenance REVERSALS only? Process only reversals.

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