Check Maintenance
Check Maintenance tools are used after the Distribute and Pay (PYPADP) is complete but a problem is identified requiring payroll to correct the paycheck and/or reprint. Check Maintenance is used to keep integrated the Payroll history, Finance Ledgers and Bank databases. By using check maintenance, manual journal entries and payroll history corrections are not necessary.
Check Note Status
DP – Distributed and Paid – the Employee Paid/Unpaid History entry holds information which has been paid and distributed to the General Ledger.
WR – Waiting Reversal – the Employee Paid/Unpaid History entry holds information which has been distributed to the General Ledger and has been placed on a system-generated check; however, the check was not handed out to the given employee and is ready to be reversed. This means that all entries which resulted from the writing of the Employee Paid/Unpaid History entry need to be reversed in the General Ledger. When the distribution of check maintenance occurs, all WR Employee Paid/Unpaid History entries and Arrears Tracking entries are changed to DR. Entries of DO are created for Payroll History records to offset the reversals. In addition, the Bank database and the General Ledger are updated to reflect the reversal of the history entries.
DR – Distributed Reversal – The Employee Paid/Unpaid History entry has been reversed in the Bank database and the General Ledger.
DO – Distributed Offset – The mirror image of a DR entry with all the amount fields reversed (negative values) to offset the DR entry in the payroll system.
How to do a Quick Reprint of all checks (PYUTQR)
The utility can be used to reprint spool files associated with Payroll check runs. In running the PYUTQR mask, the user will be prompted for Job Number, Document Type, and Printer.
How to Turn off Shadow spool files
To prevent shadow spool files from being created use the common code SHDW/NOSPL. Spool files are used by the PYUTQR utility when printing spooled Check and EFT documents.
How to Reprint Range of Checks (PYUTRP)
Warning: Only use the PYUTRP utility when a payroll check run has been completed, but checks were damaged or destroyed (and checks are in-hand). If the entire payroll is impacted, it may be necessary to undo a Payroll (PYUTUN). The PYUTRP utility causes all selected checks to be either reversed or voided. Checks can be reprinted using the exact same check numbers or a new range of check numbers.
Delete from bank reconciliation database (BKUPCD) with BKUTPU
When reprinting with the OR original check numbers, the entries in the Bank database must be purged before this process is run. It is recommended that you use the purge utility (BKUTPU) to do this. When reprinting with N new check numbers, no purge is necessary unless the range of new check numbers overlaps the range of old check numbers. If there is an overlap, all checks in that overlap must be purged from the Bank database.
Run Reprint Range of Checks Utility (PYUTRP)
NE: Use new numbers - This option will allow you to reprint checks using new check numbers. You will be prompted for both the old check range and the new check range.
OR: Use original numbers - This option will allow you to reprint checks using the original check numbers. You will be prompted for only the original range of check numbers.
For all new document numbers to print, there must NOT be an existing entry in the BKDB database. Therefore, whether using the original numbers or new numbers, those conflicting numbers need to be deleted from BKDB prior to running this utility. The process will stop and issue a warning if there is a conflict.
How to Reverse (Void) a Check
Use this procedure if a paycheck must be voided and the original transactions reversed in payroll accumulators and the General Ledger.
Run Prelist report for original period. (Keep for comparison.)
Run Accumulator report for employee. (Keep for comparison.)
Update Payroll History (PYUPPH) record to WR - Change DP to WR (waiting reversal) and save the record by pressing [Enter].
Update permissions are controlled in common code PYFG/PY353CSP.
Update Arrears Transactions to WR (PYUPAT) - if applicable.
Run Check Maintenance Prelist (PYRECM) – confirm the reversal will completely reverse the original paycheck.
Run Distribute Check Maintenance (PYPACM) using today's date.
Recompute Accumulators (PYUTRA) for tax year.
Recompute Contract Accumulators (PYUTRC) effective the beginning of the school year– if applicable.
Payroll History (PYUPPH) original DP has changed to DR reversed with offsetting record as DO.
How to Create an Emergency Check (Advance)
Use this procedure if there was a gross error on the employee paycheck and they cannot wait until the next regular payroll run. Using this procedure will not process contract salary or retro only timecard payments/adjustments.
Create a Manual Check Worksheet and determine the amount of emergency check. For example:
Gross Amount Due to Employee
-20% taxes
-8% retirement
= Emergency check amount
Set up a Supplemental Pay Period (PYUPPR) to process this check. A period code of TCONLY will only include timecards and will exclude all other contributions, deductions or salaries. Leave the Period Type blank. The begin and end dates must encompass the employee pay assignment dates. Enter an RG frequency match code if using frequency matching on pay assignments.
Flag the employees for the supplemental to be used for selection criteria. We recommend using a field on Employee Master (HREMEN). For example: Misc Info tab, Employee Information, Select Code 2 = Period to be paid on. By using this naming convention, the code does not have to be cleared when done since it is unique to each supplemental period. If more than one employee is to be included in this emergency check run, then flag them all using the same code.
Create and enter into timecard batch PYADJ+period (for example, PYADJ1001091):
Date: last day of pay period
No: CDH of PAYADJ Hour
Post to the employee Default Paystring.
Run Force Calc (PYPAFC) and select employees to be included in the Supplemental Run.
Do NOT run Patch By Payline (PYTCDTPT).
Do NOT run retirement extracts.
Run Prelist (PYREEL) and verify. Remember, this is just an emergency check and will not include taxes, deductions or benefits. Those amounts should be corrected on the next regular period.
Run Distribute and Pay (PYPADP) process when ready.
Fix the pay assignment for the next month:
Create a CDH Assignment (HRPYPR) to recover the pay adjustment during the next regular pay period.
Contact the Finance Department to be sure the CDH and/or posting strategies are in place to correctly post this deduction.
Skip this step for EFT REJECTIONS. No correction is needed in payroll.
Careful to only set up for one period (use dates).