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SubTracker provides an interface from BusinessPlus to Substitute Management System, including Aesop. When an employee absence is reported, a substitute is called and SubTracker fills the job or moves to the next most appropriate candidate until the position is filled. Substitute employee management systems also track the details of every absence and enables reporting at every level, from the individual to the district.

The raw data coming from Substitute Management systems does not include all of the components necessary to generate a complete BusinessPlus Payroll timecard record. The client sets up rules which tell SubTracker how to convert this raw data into Attendance records. These Attendance records are then sent to Payroll as timecard records. 

Supported File Formats

Substitute Management System

Software Vendor

SmartFind Express (SFE)

eSchool Solutions

AESOP (Automated Educational Substitute Operator Program)

Frontline Education


Kronos Incorporated

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