Timecards Entry - PYTCDTUB
The Payroll (PY) Timecards Entry (PYTCDTUB) page is used to enter employee hours worked for a given hour type. Typically, the Timecards Entry page is used to enter exception hours, such as overtime or vacation time, as regular hours are generally patched.
If user is idle, the session stays valid until the Inactivity Timeout (NUUPUS) ends. As the timeout approaches, a Session Expiration popup appears with the message: “Your session will end in XX seconds. Click ‘Continue’ to resume the session.” The user must continue the session or be signed out, requiring them to re-login and relaunch the Payroll (PY) Timecards Entry (PYTCDTUB) page.
Timecards Tab
Period: Enter the seven-digit Period ID. This is required before any more detailed search can be done, validates to the PY Pay Period Definition (PYUPPR) page.
Basic Search Fields
The Search Fields contain logic that allows the user to search by a number or character, without the use of wildcards. Any field containing an entered value will be part of the search.
Include in Subtotal: Enter the ID for Include in Subtotal or a portion of the ID, validates to py_batch_mstr. This was formally known as the Batch ID.
Employee ID: Enter the Employee ID or a portion of the ID, validates to the PY Employee Definition (PYUPEM) page.
Last Name: Enter the Last Name or a portion of the Last Name, validates to PYUPEM, Last Name field.
First Name: Enter the First Name or a portion of the First Name, validates to PYUPEM, First Name field.
Department: Enter up to an eight-character code or a portion of the code, validates to PYUPEM, Location/Misc.1 tab, Selection Codes (1).
Advanced Search Link
The Advanced Search allows the further definition of the selection criteria with the ability to use the Employee information and Pay Assignment information. Any information in the Basic Search will default into the Advanced Search window when opened.
Employee Selection Criteria
Employee ID: Enter the Employee ID or a portion of the ID, validates to PYUPEM.
Employee Type: Enter the Type Code or a portion of the Type Code, validates to PYUPEM, Type field.
First Name: Enter the First Name or a portion of the First Name, validates to PYUPEM, First Name field.
Barg Unit: Enter the Bargaining Unit code or a portion of the Bargaining Unit code, validates to PYUPEM, Barg Unit field.
Last Name: Enter the Last Name or a portion of the Last Name, validates to PYUPEM, Last Name field.
Check Dist: Enter in the Check Distribution code or a portion of the code, validates to PYUPEM, Education Codes (5).
Department: Enter the Department code or a portion of the Department code, validates to PYUPEM, Selection Codes (2).
Pay Assignment Selection Criteria
Pay Class: Enter a numeric value for the Pay Class or a portion of the value, validates to the PY Employee Pay Assignment (PYUPEP) page, Pay String Components tab, Pay Class field.
Position: Enter a numeric and/or character value for the Position or a portion of the value, validates to PYUPEP, Pay String Components tab, Pos field.
Calendar: Enter a numeric and/or character value for the Calendar or a portion of the value, validates to PYUPEP, General Information tab, Calendar field.
Basic and Advanced Search is to define the list of employees shown in the Entity List. Neither search is looking for data in the Main or Distribution grids.
After a search with a minimum of the Period ID is entered, the Import feature can be selected. This will bring up the prompts that are related to PYTCIFXLRG menu mask and import process. The file format for this process is still necessary and runs the PY970 Import program.
Excel Feature
After a search has been executed, click the Excel icon to export the data into an Excel spreadsheet. You can manipulate the data and import it back on the Timecards Entry page.
Employee Information and Totals Line
The Employee Information and Totals line will show the total hours and dollars for the selected ID. This information can encompass all Subtotal Groupings or one specifically, depending on the selection criteria used. This feature can be modified based on how the NU Common Codes Category/Value of PYFG/PY397C01 is defined.
Main Grid
After the selection criteria runs, the Main Grid will open with existing saved data or empty. Rows can be added using Ctrl+Enter or by clicking on the plus sign in the lower left-hand corner.
Date: The date will default based on NU Common Codes Category/Value of PYFG/PY397C, Associated Description (4). The date can be manually overwritten or the pop-up can be used to select the date.
Rec Type: The Rec Type defaults to the employee's Primary assignment from PYUPEP. The drop-down list will show PM for P* records, A0 for A* records, etc.
CDH: The CDH field can be manually entered and has a type ahead feature that will initiate a drop-down list with a selection of CDH options. The type ahead can be used with the CDH number or the CDH description. The CDH list is based on the employee's pay class for the timeframe being entered. The All check box will show the user all available CDHs defined and active.
Hours/$$$: Enter the number of Hours for the employee. If the CDH is defined as an Hours = Dollars hour code, enter the value needed. Format is xxx.xxxxx
Rate: The Rate will be pulled from the employee's pay assignment for the specified date and will populate on the saving of the record or the user can manually enter in a value. Format is xxxx.xxxxx, validates to PYUPEP.
Payment: Payment will take the Hours X Rate and will calculate on the saving of the record. Format is xxxxxxx.xx.
Owner: This will display the user that entered the records; if the record is changed it will be updated to the user that changed the record.
Include in Subtotal: The user can enter in a new Subtotal Grouping ID or select an existing one from the drop-down list. The field can also be left blank if the NU Common Codes Category/Value of PYFG/PY397BU is defined to create the Subtotal Grouping ID at Save. Filtering for similar IDs, by entered characters, occurs from left to right. Include in Subtotal column was formally the Batch ID.
CO: This display only field will let the user know if the CDH being used is set for a calc override. The column will display a "Y" if the CDH being used has Process Switch (13) set with a "Y" on the PY Hour Definition (PYUPHH) page.
Actions: The Actions column displays three icons. Place the cursor in the row to perform the desired action.
Click the Copy icon (or press CTRL+C on your keyboard). A message will confirm which row was copied.
Click the Delete icon (or press CTRL+D on your keyboard). A message will appear to confirm the delete. Select OK to delete the row.
Click the Paste icon (or press CTRL+V on your keyboard). A message will appear stating that the copied row was pasted at the bottom of the grid.
Split: All distributions associated with Rec Type selected will split and be visible in the distribution worksheet. This is defined in NU Common Codes Category/Value of PYFG/PY397C. This field is accessible on new records only. Unchecking this box will set the percentages of the primary line to 100%. The remaining pay lines will show zero percent but will still display. The user can make the necessary changes before saving the record.
Add Time Entry: Click on the plus sign (or Ctrl+Enter) to add rows to the Main Grid.
Showing # of records: This information will let the user know how many rows are being displayed on the page. The grid will hold 10 lines of information. The up and down arrow keys can be used to maneuver through the lines of data.
Previous: Click the Previous button to view the previous set of records, up to 10 at a time.
Next: Click the Next button to view the next set of records, up to 10 at a time.
Save: This will save the data to the database. The Enter button can also be used to save the data.
Distribution Worksheet
The Distribution Worksheet displays the distribution information tied to the data in the Main Grid. The title and format of the pay string is defined in the PY Entity Definition (PYUPGN) page and is specific to each organization's setup. All parts are editable.
Upon opening the Timecards page, if there is no data in the Main Grid, the Distribution Worksheet will be blank. The minus or plus icon in the upper left hand corner of the Distribution Worksheet will allow the user to expand or collapse the view. The distributions will split by default if the NU Common Codes Category/Value of PYFG/PY397C is defined to do so.
The Distribution Worksheet allows the user to edit existing distributions or add new ones. Upon creating a new distribution, the process will read the py_num_dtl table and insert a new Num Code if needed. It will also validate all parts of the pay string.
If the employee has a split distribution, the Distribution Worksheet will reflect this based on the Rec Type.
Rec Type: A two-character display only field holds a client-defined record type for this pay string. Validates to PYUPEP.
Num Code: The Num Code value is system generated from the pyn_num_dtl.
Of the eighteen pay string parts available, only four are required.
%: The Percent column will show the percentage applicable to each distribution. The total must equal 100. Validates to PYUPEP.
FQA/GL Key Obj: This will display the GL account information for the pay assignment. All parts can be changed. The information will display based on how the pay string is defined in the PYUPGN page. There is no lookup feature.
Position: The position is pulled from the employee's PYUPEP record. Validates to the PY Job/Position Definition (PYUPJB) page.
Pay Class: The Pay Class is pulled from the pay assignment on PYUPEP but validates to the PY Pay Class Definition (PYUPPY) page.
Step: The step pulls from the PYUPEP, there is no validation for this field, but the field cannot be null.
Actions: The Actions column displays three icons. Place the cursor in the row to perform the desired action.
Click the Copy icon (or press CTRL+C on your keyboard). A message will confirm which row was copied.
Click the Delete icon (or press CTRL+D on your keyboard). A message will appear to confirm the delete. Select OK to delete the row.
Click the Paste icon (or press CTRL+V on your keyboard). A message will appear stating that the copied row was pasted at the bottom of the grid.
Adding Distribution Entry: Click on the plus to add rows to the Main Grid.
Showing # of records: This information will let the user know how many rows are being displayed on the page.
Reports Tab
The Reports tab page contains Standard (CDD) Reports designed specifically for the Timecards page. The user must create a folder called Standard Timecard Reports, under CDD Reports on the Dashboard, and load the reports from BusinessPlus (7.9.9 or later). Additional reports can be added to this folder and be accessible in the Reports tab.
PY Timecard Common Codes
The following common codes are used with PY Timecards.
PYFG/PY397BU - Configuration Options for Default Include in Subtotal IDs
PYFG / PY397C - Daily Timecard Settings
PYFG / PY397C01 - Daily Timecard Settings
PYFG / PY397C03 - Daily Timecard Settings
PYFG / PY397DEF - GL Default Mapping