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Bid Quote Management


The Bid Quote (BQ) module assists in recording and tracking verbal quotes, written quotes, and formal bids with straightforward and easy access to information from the original request to the purchase order.


  • Enter phone quotes in real time.
  • Automatically create purchase orders.
  • Develop formal bid cycles with their associated tasks required.
  • Track vendor performance.
  • Track activity related to the bid through the award and beyond.
  • Update existing purchase requisition items, either individually or all items associated with a request number.
  • Update a single purchase request or join multiple purchase requests into a single purchase order.
  • Setup multiple tasks, used in conjunction with creating any number of "bid cycles." Each bid is associated with a unique cycle ID, specifying the number of days required to complete the entire bid process.
  • Directly update the price of individual items on a purchase request. Copy existing purchase requests into new purchase request numbers.
  • Select multiple vendors based upon multiple product codes, multiple commodity codes, and multiple vendor association values.
  • Bid and Quote Management integrates with Purchasing, Encumbrances, General Ledger, Job Ledger and Person/Entity.
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