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The eSchoolMall Easy Purchase interface has undergone changes recently in how it interacts with clients. In the past, eSchoolMall provided a Web Agent that sat on the client's web server. It handled transactions coming in from the Easy Purchase system. With the use of a staging table and an associated COBOL program, the Web Agent processed transaction information coming from Easy Purchase and placing information into the table and retrieving information from it. The COBOL program ran periodically and updated information in the Purchasing Subsystem tables regarding Easy Purchase requests.

eSchoolMall no longer supports the Web Agent. Clients are now responsible for implementing their own eSchoolMall Easy Purchase interface based on defined transactions that will be sent to the client's web server. The implemented interface will process the transactions and update the client's purchasing subsystem appropriately based on the transaction received.


The ESM transactions currently supported by the interface are as follows:

  • Requisition Insertion – This will always be the initial request received by the ESM Interface regarding any purchase request by a user on the Easy Purchase System.
  • Requisition Update – This is an optional transaction request that occurs when the user or an approver makes a change to the basic requisition. This is an optional request since the user or approvers might not ever change the requisition as it goes through the approval process.
  • Requisition Delete – This is an optional transaction request that occurs when the user cancels the order before the approval process is complete. Once this occurs, no more transactions can be received on this particular transaction. The Purchase Requisition is deleted from BusinessPlus.
  • Purchase Order Insertion – This transaction request is received upon a final approval in the Easy Purchase system. This transaction is also referred to as an Encumbrance Insertion since encumbrance happens when the Requisition is converted to a Purchase Order.
  • Purchase Order Delete – Once approved and converted to a Purchase Order, it is still possible to cancel the Purchase Order with this transaction. The Purchase Order is disencumbered and the Purchase Order set to a status of "CA."
  • Receipt Insertion – The last transaction request sent is the Receipt Insertion transaction. One or more can be received until the final receipt occurs.
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