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General Information - SIUPGN

This page defines information that determines the characteristics of the SI system.

Ledger: Select the Ledger code that these defaults apply to or use "@@" for all ledgers.

Default Global Price Calculation: Enter the pricing formula to be used as default. The system will use the customer pricing code, if defined in the Person/Entity Database (PE) Information (PEUPPE) page; if not, the product pricing code will be used, if defined on the PE Product Information (PEUPPR) page; if this field is left blank, the Default Global Price code defined here will be used.

Catalog Text Type: Enter the two-character code that represents the type of product text to print on the SI Product Catalog report (SIRESRPC). The text to be printed is defined in the PE Product Information page, on the Free Form Text tab.

Recommendation: Do not mix the @@ ledger and specific ledgers for the Catalog Text Type. Text will not display correctly on the PE Product Information (PEUPPR) page, on the Free Form Text tab. If the desire is to have one ledger be different from another, define all specific ledgers and have no @@ ledger.

Catalog Price Calculation: Enter the pricing formula to use when calculating the price to be printed on SI Product Catalog report. See the above field "Default Global Price Calc" for details and examples of pricing formulas.

Use Interactive Committing: Check the box to have the system track items committed. A committed item is one that has been ordered, but not filled. The quantity committed is tracked by the SI Inventory Information (SIUPIN) page and is used to adjust the quantity to be ordered in the SI Calculate Reorder Points (SIINOP) process.

Show Prices by Default: Check the box to use the SI Create/Update Orders (SIOEUB) page, Items tab, with prices for all users. 

Display Quantity: Check the box to display quantity on hand instead of the unit price on the SI Create/Update Orders page, Items tab.

Use Delivery Routes: Check the box to enable this functionality and use the SI Delivery Route Information (SIUPDR) page definitions.

Allow Multiple Warehouses Per Order: Check the box to enable; leave blank to disallow.

Allow Ordering When Quantity On Hand is Zero: Check the box to enable; leave blank to disallow.

Transaction Code: Select the Transaction Code from the combo box. Valid Transaction Codes must have been previously defined on the Nucleus (NU) Common Codes (NUUPCD) page, with a Category/Value of SITR/xx.

Transaction Format: Select the static system code from the combo box that directs the manner in which the description is to appear in the general ledger. This selection defaults to the combo box on the SI Create/Update Orders page and SI Create/Update Receiving Set (SIBTUB) page.
The following describes each possible code and its meaning:


GL Transaction description consists of :


PE ID, followed by a blank, 15 characters of the PE name


15 characters of PE name, followed by a blank, then PE ID


PE ID, a blank, and description (name if desc blank)


PE name, a blank, and description


The full name of the Person or Entity


Full Description

(Global Price) Code: Enter the two-character code that will represent this optional pricing formula. This code will be used on the SI Create/Update Orders page to indicate the items should be priced using an optional formula.

(Global Price) Calculation: Enter the pricing formula that applies to this price code.

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