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Recruiting and Professional Development Help


Encourage employee growth and track progress with Professional Development management. Create and manage staff education programs online with the Professional Development module. Once course detail is set up, end users enjoy anytime, anywhere access to registration, class schedules, a personal record of completed coursework, and more. In addition to creating organizational efficiency, Professional Development promotes and facilitates an increasingly educated workforce in your organization.

Applicant API helps organizations increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their school district’s hiring process by automating key tasks, reducing data entry, and maximizing the reach of their job postings.

This solution helps decentralize the legwork to hiring managers yet maintain the quality of the recruiting effort and job applicants. By extending position control into the process, it ensures compliance with district budget controls and state and federal regulations.

Additional Help and Support

Visit PowerSchool Community to access the product knowledge base, open a support case, or connect with peers and PowerSchool experts.

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