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ACAR - 1095CCI

Covered Individual Check Box Location on 1095-C
This common code is only for the PowerSchool pre-printed legal 1095-C form (not PTM). Use this common code if the Part III Covered Individual check mark does not line up with the check box on the 1095-C form.
Code Category: ACAR
Code Value: 1095CCI
Short Description: Used to describe the common code.
Medium Description: Used to describe the common code.
Long Description: Used to describe the common code.
Associated Numeric Values
1: Number of characters from the left of the form to place the check box for the printed 1095-C form. This value is ignored if it is not between 1 and 132.
2: Same functionality as Associated Numeric Value 1, except used for EO forms. Generally, you would not need to set Associated Numeric Value 2.
3-5: Reserved for future use.
Associated Codes, Associated Descriptions
1-5: Reserved for future use:

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