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This common code is used in the Hiring Process on the Applicant Posting screen (HRAPPS/HRATPS). If the common code does not exist then all processing of information to the HR screens remains as normal.
Code Category: AOCK
Code Value: RULES
Short Description:  Not required. Use to describe code.
Medium Description: Not required. Use to describe code.
Long Description: Not required. Use to describe code.
Associated Numeric Values
1: Associated Codes #1 controls whether the applicant's email address is sent to the Employee Master screen (HREMEN/HREEEM). If the value is "Y" then the email address IS NOT sent. If the value is "N" then the email address IS sent.
2: Associated Codes #2 controls whether the applicant's Experience Information is sent to the Education and Skills, Experience screen (HREMES/HREEES). If the value is "Y" then the Experience record IS NOT sent. If the value is "N" then the Experience record IS sent.
3-5: Reserved for future use.
Associated Codes and Descriptions
1-5: Reserved for future use.

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