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The APOHUTZZ01 utility requires this code to roll data or convert Accounts Payable data from a legacy system into BusinessPLUS, or to update a specific table.  The file holding accounts payable data is loaded from a remote location, and this common code holds generic settings that help the system read the file and insert the records and/or update system data correctly. The essential setting is the 3rd Associated Code stating the file's delimiter type. The process will run without the other settings and use the default date format of DU.

Refer to the Accounts Payable User Guide or the AP Conversion Guide for an overview and mechanics of the APOHUTZZ01 conversion process.

Code Category: APRL

Code Value: ROLLOVER

Short Description: Reserved for future use.

Medium Description: INSERT ONLY or UPDATE ONLY or blank for both. Insert Only means that if the record is found, the process will not update. Update Only means that if the record is not found, the process will not insert. Blank means both options are available and will both update existing records and insert new records if no record exists.

Long Description: Reserved for future use.

Associated Numeric Values

1: Reserved for future use.

2: Length of Vendor IDs. This is where you define the size of the Vendor ID for all tables. The process will calculate the length of the value you submit in the data file and add leading zeroes to make the correct length. For example, the data file contains the number 102, ID length is specified as 8, so the vendor ID will become 00000102.

3-5: Reserved for future use.

Associated Codes

1: Reserved for future use.

2: "VADD" or "AS IS." For example, "VADD V" tells the program to add a character value to the first position in the Vendor ID. Taking the example above and adding "VADD V," the vendor ID would become V0000102. The length is still a total of 8. Only 1 character is allowed and no special characters. "AS IS" - This tells the program to not do any formatting to the Vendor ID and Alternative Vendor ID.

3: TAB or COMMA or PIPE. This is the delimiter type for the data file.

4: DT or DU or DV or DW or DX or DY or D6 or D8. This is the date format. They are as follows:









5: Reserved for future use.

Associated Descriptions

1: Reserved for future use.

2: "HITPO" and "PORECEIVE." For example, HITPO,PORECEIVE. "HITPO" tells the program to update the PO and EN Subsystems if determined by the data. If this is not present, the process will still validate that the PO exists, but not take it any further. "PORECEIVE" will update the Receiving Table on the PO side.

3: "FQA" and ("OH" or "TR" or "IN" or "INS"). The "FQA" option will process the FQA Number in the GL Key column and obtain all the other account numbers needed to insert into the table. GL Object Code column must be in the file, and should be blank. This is used for the OH-DTL table only. The "OH" or "TR" or "IN" or "INS" set the type of batch being input. "OH" stands for Open Hold (default). "TR" stands for Transactions. "IN" stands for Invoices. "INS" stands for Invoices and to use the System Seed common code for the Set ID. The System Seed common code is SYNO/APRLSTID and should be set up with the first 2 characters of the Set ID being different from any other System Seed Set ID numbers. This way, there will be no possibility of overlapping Set ID numbers in the Accounts Payable Subsystem. For example, you want FQA option, Invoice option and have the program generate the Set ID, you would put "FQA,INS" in the field. Make sure the Fully Qualified Accounts in the OH_GL_KEY column and leave off the OH_BATCH_ID column.

4: Reserved for future use.

5: "ORACLE," "INFORMIX," or "SQL." This flag will inform the program which system you are working with so that any special handling dealing with datetime fields or reserved words can be done.
Note: This common code setup is intended for use in Build 7.9.10 and greater, which is intended for the SQL database.

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