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Check Stock ID for Canceled Checks
This common code is the check stock ID for checks that will be canceled or issued.
Code Category: CKCC or CKNC
Code Value: XX (xx is the check stock ID for the checks that will be canceled / issued).
Short Description: TAPE
Medium Description: Used to describe the common code.
Long Description: Used to describe the common code.
Associated Numeric Values
1: Reserved for future use.
2: For ASCII and EBCDIC type files, this field indicates the starting position (column) of the check number in the record. For COMMA type files, this value should indicate the field number of the check number.
3: For ASCII and EBCDIC type files, this field indicates the length of the check number in the record with a maximum value of 8. For COMMA type files, this value is not used and should be set to 2.
4: For ASCII and EBCDIC type files, this field indicates the starting position (column) of the check amount in the record. For COMMA type files, this value should indicate the field number of the check amount.
5: For ASCII and EBCDIC type files, this field indicates the length of the check amount in the record with a maximum value of 18. For COMMA type files, this value is not used and should be set to 2.
Associated Codes
1: The valid values for this field are ASCII, EBCDIC, and COMMA and indicate the general format of the file. Both ASCII and EBCDIC indicate fixed-width fields on each record. COMMA indicates an ASCII file with comma-delimited fields (without quotes). When using a COMMA type file, the field lengths are not used and should be set to 2 to avoid configuration errors.
2: Check number type (i.e., CHAR, BINARY, or PBINARY).
3: There are three valid values: ASCII, EBCDIC, and COMMA. "COMMA" means each record is comma-delimited and in ASCII format. When using this mode, each field type should be set to CHAR and the number of each field is placed into the starting position on the common code. The field length is not used, but should be set to 1 to prevent warnings about invalid values. Comma-delimited fields may be up to 30 characters long
4: Check amount type (i.e., CHAR, BINARY, PBINARY, or SCHAR).
5: Reserved for future use.
Associated Descriptions
1-5: An explanation of the contents of lines 1 through 5.

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