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CKID - xx

Check Stock ID

Common code category CKID defines check stock parameters. Two distinct types of entries exist:

  1. Checks for Accounts Payable — CKID/xx for standard bank IDs; CKID/EP for electronic bank IDs

  2. Checks for Payroll — CKID/PY

CKIDs are typically defined during system installation; caution is advised when altering these entries. CKID security can be set up in the Administrative Console for the CD_CODES_MSTR table under the Nucleus Data node.

Common code CKID/xx may also specify an Org. Key and/or Object Code to be used in posting entries to the GL Account represented by the CKID.

Code Category: CKID

Code Value: xx (Where xx represents the check stock for a standard bank ID.)

Short Description: Not required.

Medium Description: Used to describe the common code.

Long Description: Used to describe the common code.

Associated Numeric Values

1-5: Not used.

Associated Codes

1: The GL Org Key or project code for the cash account associated with this check stock ID.

2: The GL object code for the cash account associated with this check stock ID.

3: The two-character code for the electronic bank to process ePayables. Validates to a valid electronic bank ID (CKID/EP) defined specifically for an EPAYABLE.

4: The two-character code for the electronic bank to process EFTs. Validates to a valid electronic bank ID (CKID/EP) defined specifically for an EFT.

5: DUPLICATE — This setting prevents duplicate payment for an item through the incorrect use of APOHPPSP. When this flag is set, all invoices/transactions that are to be paid must not have a check number already assigned to it. The AP check printing process checks for this setting; when it encounters DUPLICATE, it checks each transaction's Check ID field for check numbers. The Select for Pay Report will show an exception error if there is already a check number in the OH-DTL record.

Associated Descriptions

1-4: Not used.

5: The stale dating aging value for this bank ID, expressed in days. This value is used during BKUTSDto establish if a check needs to be stale-dated, i.e., checks that have an issue date of equal to or greater than the indicated number of days.

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