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Cognos and BusinessPlus

Legacy reporting systems, like CDD, often leave districts running reports with time-consuming and cumbersome processes. BusinessPlus and Cognos combined give districts the ability to improve operational efficiency by streamlining reporting processes, as well using data within BusinessPlus to help administrators make data-driven decisions.

Key Benefits

  • EASE OF USE - With a drag and drop interface, employees can easily build reports, schedule automatic reports, and distribute appropriately with no coding required.
  • BROADER RANGE OF FUNCTIONALITY - Utilize dashboards and scorecards to create profession reports and easily make data-driven decisions. Reports are delivered via App, HTML, PDF or Excel. With the ability to burst large reports into parts for the appropriate audience and dynamic reporting, if you can dream it, you can build it.
  • ACCESS AND COMBINE ANY DATA SOURCE - If the data needed for the report isn’t in BusinessPlus, there’s no need to worry. Cognos can pull in the necessary data to get the answers you’re looking for.
  • AUTHOR ONCE TO USE ANYWHERE - It doesn’t matter where the initial report was created, Mobile, Dashboard, or MS Office, with Cognos you can still get to the data and reports you need from anywhere in the system.
  • HIRING AND TRAINING MADE SIMPLE - Having Cognos gives you access to all types of different training resources, like YouTube videos, dedicated forums, weekly classes that can be self-paced or instructor-led, PowerSchool User Groups, and a yearly Cognos user conference.


PowerSchool and IBM partner to get districts access to the most powerful analytics platform available, at a fraction of the retail price. Create and share reports and dashboards with anyone in the district.


PowerSchool provides formal classroom training on the BusinessPlus database. This offering jump-starts your ability to make data-driven decisions.


Our experts work with you on the first few reports and dashboards, accelerating creation of valuable content while learning best practices.

Contact your PowerSchool Account Executive/CRM for more information.

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