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Create New User IDs - NUUTNU

This utility creates new Nucleus users based on rules for the selected module. The utility uses a template Nucleus User to copy that information to each employee selected.

All information is copied except:

  • us-no (user number) which is newly generated if this is a new employee

  • us-id is set to the new ID of the selected user

  • us-pw and us-pwhex are set to the determined password

us-pw-dt is set to 5 years prior to the current date. This is done so that if a password expiration (specified in days) is specified then it automatically requires the user to reset their password upon initial login and every time that duration is met.

If the user is new, all associations of the template user are copied to the new user. If the user is already defined, the utility copies any missing associations to the new user. A report is generated with all changes made to the nucleus users. The report displays the originating ID and Name and the new Nucleus ID and associations. If the utility is run in Trial mode, no changes are made and only the report is created.

The user can select the User ID based on the three options available -

  • SC - Select by Selection Criteria , provides multiple options based on Employee information, pay assignment information, etc. In case user ID has spaces, this option can be used for selection using 01 Employee Information as the Selection Criteria No’s-digit.

  • PC - Select Pay Cycle, allows entire pay cycle for a particular pay period.

  • ID - Select by ID, allows only Employee ID for selection.

The template user should not have any assigned security roles. 

Common codes

Required common codes are:

  • NUFG/NU945C: General settings for New User utility.

    • Associated Description 1: Controls the sort order of the generated report.

    • Associated Description 2: Enter REMOVE ZEROS to remove leading zeros from the employee ID and compare it with the NUUPUS user ID. When employee IDs are padded with leading zeros and the NUUPUS user IDs are not padded with leading zeros, use this option to copy an association.

  • NUSC/NWUSERxx: Where xx can be EO, TO, or ET, for Employee Online, Timecard Online, and Employee/Timecard Online, respectively.

Supported modules

The current supported modules are Timecard Online (TO), Employee Online (EO) or a combination of both which is Employee/Timecard Online (ET). Each module has its own configuration options that are specified in a common code. These common codes are: NUSC/NWUSERTO, NUSC/NWUSEREO, and NUSC/NWUSERET, which are used for Timecard Online, Employee Online and Employee/Timecard Online respectively. These common codes configure how the creation of the User ID, Password and Email is created for each module. By default, these values come from the template user.

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