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Fund ID
The code which identifies each Fund defined in the system must be specified with a common code. The common code identifies an Org. Key and / or Object Code to be used in posting entries to the GL Account representing the Fund.
Code Category: FDID
Code Value: FUND ID
Short Description: Not required.
Medium Description: Used to describe the common code.
Long Description: Used to describe the common code.
Associated Numeric Values
1-5: Reserved for future use.
Associated Codes
1: Organization Key or TTLKEY* or "FDTT"**
2: Object Code - Optional.
3: Due From Object - Optional (if this is left blank then Due from and Due To are the same as code 2.)
4: If "KEY" and code 1 is blank then RJE's will treat this the same as "TTLKEY" in code 1.
5: Reserved for future use.
Associated Descriptions
1-5: Reserved for future use.
*Note: If the first Associated Code has a value of TTLKEY, then all keys within this fund will be self-balancing and the Org. Key itself will be used in place of the fund admin key.
**Note: If the first Associated Code has a value of FDTT, then FDTT Fund ID common code would be used to determine the Fund Key.

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