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Forms Printing and later.

PDF Forms Printing is designed to be an easy way for districts to update and print district forms. The program converts forms to PDF and allows the forms to be saved or printed to any network-accessible printer.


  • Forms can be printed using PDF forms and do not require special software to be loaded to the printer.

  • Security can be applied to forms to restrict users allowed to print data-sensitive forms like AP and PY Checks.

  • Forms can be updated by districts to update signatures and district logos.


The following items should be in place at a customer site before implementing the Forms Printing solution:

Tiff files

Including but not limited to:

  • AP: Accounts payable

  • PO: Purchase order

  • PY: Payroll

  • Pick tickets

  • W2

  • 1095

  • 1099


For payroll checks, Checkwriter version must be PY660xxx or later. If you are using PY666xxx or PY665xxx, contact Support to implement a minor change to look at the LYID common code for Layer ID.

Using forms

PDF Forms Printing is easy to use with minimal setup.

Administrative Console

Forms need to be uploaded and each will have a Layer ID. The Layer ID is used to associate a . TIFF image overlay with special form printing.

For PY printing, the Layer ID must be associated with the LYID common codes to select the correct image.

Password Validation for Adding TIFF/Image Files from the Admin Console:

  • Password length should be between 1 and 15 characters.

  • Passwords can include up to 3 special characters.

  • If the above criteria are not met, a warning message will be displayed when adding or updating the password.

Users can add the password via Citrix when adding TIFF/Image files from the Admin Console.

Common Codes and later: LYID/XX no longer works for AP checks. Use LYAP/XX.

  • NULP/XXXXXX - Add Layer ID for printing. This is required.

  • LYAP/XX - For adding Layer IDs for AP checks. 

  • LYID/XX - For adding Layer IDs for PY checks and EFTs.

  • NUFG/PDFALIGN - Used to disable alignment changes for W2.

  • MICR/AP - For MICR line adjustments for Accounts Payable checks.

  • MICR/PY - For MICR line adjustments for Payroll checks.

Printer setup

Customers may use any printer compatible with PDF printing. PCL5-compatible printers are not required when using the ELF (Easy Laser Forms) to PDF process. Set print sizing settings on the printer to Actual Size before printing special forms. For printing duplex pages, select Print on Both Sides in the print process. This would publish the Terms and Conditions after each page of a multiple-page document.

Processing special forms

To process special forms, select the special forms printer defined in the NULP/XXXXXX common code. The job will generate a separate report with the check images in PDF format. If a password is linked to the layer id, a password prompt appears before the document is displayed.


MICR alignment

If the MICR is not aligned correctly, adjust the alignment using the MICR/AP and MICR/PY common codes.

  • MICR/AP: Set Form No. 98 in the Accounts Payable SPFM file.

  • MICR/PY: Form No. 96 must be hard-coded in the payroll custom checkwriter in the py660 program.

Print size

Confirm the printer is set to Actual Size (not Fit) for accurate results in alignment while printing.

Text alignment

If the Payroll text is not aligned correctly, a checkwriter adjustment is required. If the Accounts Payable text is not aligned correctly, the SPFM file will need to be adjusted.

TIFF file adjustments

Adjustments to the TIFF image for each form can be submitted through a Customization Request or customers may choose to update the TIFF file through image editing software.

If you make your own edits to TIFF files, you are responsible for keeping appropriate backups. PowerSchool is only responsible for TIFF files created as part of a Customization Request project.

Year-end forms printing

Required: Layer ID (LAYERID) needs to be added to the NULP/XXXXXX common code.

Printing alignment is controlled by the printer escape sequences in the following areas. Review the Year-End Guide for suggested printer escape sequences.

  • ACA - ACAR/1095CPRT: Long Description, ESC in Associated Codes (2)

  • 1099MISC - L1099MP file in app/perm directory on app server, Associated Codes (2) on NULP/XXXX

  • 1099NEC - L1099NP file in app/perm directory on app server, Associated Codes (2) on NULP/XXXX

  • W2 - PYFG/PY601C: Long Description

    • On PYW2UP (Payroll W2 Processing) forms definition file, on the General Information tab Produce Forms? and Produce Forms on Laser Printer? need to be selected.

    • On PYW2UP forms definition file, on the Laser Printer PCL Commands tab Common Code Override? needs to be selected.

  • ACA to EO - ACAR/EO202X: Long Description, ESC in Associated Codes (2)

  • W2 to EO - PYW2/EO202X: Long Description, ESC in Associated Codes (2)

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