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Email if Out of Balance Condition Occurs
This common code is used to email a condensed version of the Audit Report (printed after a JE distribution) to selected users if an out of balance condition has occurred. Whether or not an out of balance condition has occurred, the last Audit Report run is kept in user's PERM group, AUDITRPT.
Special Notes - The SYEM / MAIL common code must have been previously defined before the GLEM / AUDIT functionality may be used. Refer to the common code reference.
Code Category: GLEM
Code Value: AUDIT
Short Description: Leave blank or "ON" to enable, "OFF" to disable.
Medium Description: Enter the subject line to send the e-mail. The default subject is "WARNING: GL is out of balance."
Long Description: Used to describe the common code.
Associated Numeric Values
1-5: Reserved for future use.
Associated Codes
1-5: Enter the BusinessPLUS User ID for the person to send e-mail to. Up to 5 users may be specified.
Associated Descriptions
1-5: Reserved for future use.

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