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Detail Line Reformatting GL Standard Report 19
The detail line in GL Standard Reports 1, 14, 19 and in the GL Transaction File Listing Report (GLREFLTR) can be reformatted on a subsystem basis. This is the setup for GL Standard Report 19 in verbose format, setup is similar for GLREFLTR and the other Standard Reports (see other common code descriptions). When the common code is "ON" certain fields can be concatenated, shortened or moved to a new location on the same detail line based on the subsystem ID(s) specified in the common code. Note-Reformatted fields only write over what was previously on the detail line, they are not inserted.
Once this common code is turned "ON" a header will need to be made in NUUPHD. The new header must have the name "GLHD1901." If this report is being run in Short Format, a header should be made using the name "GLHD1902."
Code Category: GLRP
Code Value: SR19JB (Change "JB" to "SH" if running report in Short Format).
Short Description: Enter "OFF" to disable this common code. Enter "ON" to enable.
Medium Description: Enter "ON" to enable Concatenation Mode. Enter "OFF" to insert a space before and after each reformatted field.
Long Description: Used to describe the common code.
Associated Numeric Values
1-5: Reserved for future use.
Associated Codes
1-5: Enter subsystem IDs to which reformatting applies (only 6 subsystems will fit on one line). Only reformatting on corresponding "Associated Descriptions" line will be applied to these subsystems (i.e., reformatting in "Associated Descriptions" line 1 only applies to subsystems listed in "Codes" line 1).
Associated Descriptions
1-5: Enter reformatting here in the following format (exclude "<"and ">") <Variable Name><Starting Column><Length> If more than one field needs to be reformatted, concatenate the pattern until "Associated Descriptions" line is full. Only four fields will fit on one "Associated Descriptions" line, and there will always be at least two blank spaces at the end of each "Associated Descriptions" line. Reformatting only applies to subsystems listed on corresponding "Codes" line.

Valid <Variable Names>

Maximum Length**

REF Primary Reference


PID Payee ID


PER Fiscal Period


TYP Transaction Type


DES Associated Description


MIS Miscellaneous Code


RF2 Secondary Reference


DT2 Secondary Reference Date


BAT Batch ID


SBS Subsystem ID


PED Person Entity DB Code


CKI Check Stock ID


CKNCheck Number


CNCCKI and CKN concatenated


GWOWork Order (for future use)


CURForeign Currency Code


DATPrimary Transaction Date


PEPPreparer's ID


CNOContract Number


OFYOriginal Fiscal Year


Larger Maximum Lengths can be used, but nothing will be printed beyond the Maximum Length.
For the following setup of common code GLRE-SR19JB, all detail line entries with a subsystem ID in the list on line one of the "Codes" column (AR, CR, EN, OH, FA, SI) will have- the Primary Reference (REF) printed in column 1 for a length of 10 characters (only the first 10 characters will be printed), the Subsystem ID (SBS) printed in column 11 for a length of 2, the Check Stock ID (CKI) printed in column 13 for a length of 2, and only the first 3 characters of the Check Number (CKN) will be printed starting in column 15.
All detail line entries with a subsystem ID listed on line two of the "Codes" column (JE) will have the Preparer's ID (PEP) printed in column 3 for a length of 16. Since the Preparer's ID has a maximum length of 4, and since the common code setup specifies a length of 16, the last 12 characters will be blank.
All detail line entries with a subsystem ID listed on line three of the "Codes" column (JE) will have the Primary Transaction Date printed in column 6 for a length of 26. As with the Preparer's ID, since the specified print length (26) is longer than the maximum length for the Primary Transaction Date field (8), the last 18 characters will be blank.









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