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This common code allows the Employee Master message center to check for the existence of a common code that will indicate what hr_pe_mstr misc numeric field will be populated with the Benefit FTE from the Employee Master screen. The presence of this common code will activate the sending of the Benefit FTE from HR to PY.
Note: The Benefit FTE must be multiplied by 100000 before sending to PY as the py_emp_msc_num0x columns are defined as integers.
Code Category: HRPY
Code Value: BENEFTE
Ledger: Enter @@ to activate for all entities, otherwise enter a specific ledger code.
Short Description: Any desired descriptive text.
Medium Description: Benefit FTE to PY set up.
Long Description: Benefit FTE may be written to HR_PE_MSTR, PY_EMP_MSC_NUM01 - NUM09 columns.
Associated Numeric Values
1-5: Reserved for future use.
Associated Codes
1: Enter NUM01 - NUM09 to indicate what hr_pe_mstr misc numeric field will be populated with the Benefit FTE from the Employee Master screen.
2-5: Reserved for future use.
Associated Descriptions
1: Enter NUM01 - NUM09. Enter any desired descriptive text.
2-5: Reserved for future use.

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