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The LYAP/xx common code is used to define the Layer ID for each bank ID. This common code is required for Accounts Payable (AP) checks only. The LYAP common codes will also apply to Archive and Workflow printers.

LYAP common code will always override the NULP form printer Layer ID for Accounts Payable. 

Code Category: LYAP

Code Value: XX where XX is equal to the Bank ID.  Example:  Accounts Payable (AP) will have a Layer ID common code for physical checks.

Short Description: Not required.

Medium Description: Not required.

Long Description: Not required.

Associated Numeric Values

1-3: Reserved for future use.

4: Layer ID Number as assigned in Admin Console that represents the back of the form for Duplex.  Not used if Simplex.

5: Layer ID Number as assigned in Admin Console.

Associated Code

1-3: Reserved for future use.

4: DUPLEXLAYER if duplex printing is needed.


Associated Descriptions

1-5: Reserved for future use.

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