Main Menu
New: Allows you to create a new Report or Information Category.
Do not use special characters or blank spaces in the Report ID/Report Name as the report will not function correctly.
Open: Allows you to open an existing report in the Design Window.
Open & Run Report: Allows you to open an existing report and immediately run the report to the screen or to a printer.
Schedule Report: Allows you to schedule a report to run at a later date and time.
Close: Allows you to close open reports. If you have made changes to the report, you will be prompted to save the report before closing.
Save: Allows you to save the open report.
Save As: Allows you to save and name the open report.
Delete: Allows you to delete an existing report or Information Category. You will be asked to verify the deletion.
Connect Database: Allows you to establish a new database connection.
Disconnect Database: Allows you to disconnect from the current database. You will be asked to verify the disconnection.
Print: Allows you to print the report.
Print Preview: Allows to view the report prior to printing.
Print Setup: Allows you to adjust your printer settings.
Recent Categories: Allows you to open and use or edit recently accessed categories.
Recent Designs: Allows you to open and use or edit recently accessed designs.
Recent Reports: Allows you to open and use or edit recently accessed reports.
Exit: Exits Click, Drag, and Drill™.
Undo: Allows you to undo your most recent action
Cut: Cut and Copy are used to edit fields within a report as well as entire regions within a report and all the fields that reside within that region. The paste function allows one the options of moving fields or regions within the report, or between multiple reports.
Copy: See above.
Paste: See above.
Align: Options to align Left, Right, Top, and Bottom. Allows you to align multiple data fields in a report design. These options are only available when more than one field has been selected.
Make Same Width/Height: Allows you resize data fields in a report design. This option is only available when more than one field has been selected.
Delete: Allows you to delete an existing data field. You will be asked to verify the deletion.
Remove User Field: Allows you to delete a user field from the report design. This option is only available when a user-defined field is selected.
Remove Region: Allows you to delete a region from the report design. You will be asked to verify the deletion.
Remove Data Lookup: Allows you to remove a selected data lookup.
Remove Sub Report: Allows you to remove a selected sub report.
Preferences: Allows for a wide variety of general report preferences to be defined. The Preferences window contains six tabs: General, Startup, Design, Report, Export, and IFAS Specifications.
Main Toolbar: Allows you to toggle these toolbars on or off.
Format Toolbar: See above.
Design Toolbar: See above.
Design Items Toolbar: See above.
Output Toolbar: See above.
Report Items Toolbar: See also data elements.
Status Bar: See above.
System Catalog Browser: See above.
Show Grid: Displays or hides the grid in the design window.
Snap To Grid: Turns on or off the snap to grid function. When turned on, data fields align with the nearest grid line.
Item Display, Name, Description, Mask: The Item Display selections (Name, Description, Mask) allows you alter the way the data in the data fields in a report design is displayed while you work in the main design window.
Report Properties: Allows you to set general report properties. The Report Properties window contains eight tabs: General, Sort, and Selection Criteria, Report Prompts, Prompt Order, Design Layout, HTML and Drill.
Data Lookup Properties: Allows you to define the properties of a selected data lookup.
Item Properties: Selecting Item Properties displays the Catalog Details window through which item details and display options are set.
Text Field: Select Insert, Text Field… to display the Text Field window where you can create new text fields. After you have entered the desired text (for example 1997 Budget as a report title) in the Text Field window, when you return to the design window your pointer will be holding the new text. When you click on a region of the report, the text new text field is placed.
User Field: Select Insert, User Field… to display the User Defined Field window. Create user-defined fields using General, Display, and Calculation tabs., AND DRILL 37
Region: Select Insert, Region… to display the Region Level window where you can create new page heading, detail and page footer regions. Here you also specify where the new region is to appear, at start of report or at end of report.
Sub Report: Select Insert, Sub Report… to add a sub-report anywhere in your main report. The sub report dialog allows you to specify where in the main report the sub report is to appear and to design the sub report in much the same way as the main report is created.
Data Lookup: Select Insert, Data Lookup… to execute database queries on conditional values based either on existing categories or on an SQL statement.
Design Shape, Rectangle, Line: Select Design, Shape to select from two options for inserting shapes into your report, rectangle and line. Shapes drawn in the report can be customized, moved and resized. Design shapes provide you with a tool to help highlight information in the final report.
Graph: Select Insert, Graph to insert a wide variety of graphs into any region of the report.
Run: Allows you to run the report from the design window to the screen, a printer, or to a file depending upon the selection made below.
Output to Screen, Output to Printer, Output to File: Allows you to toggle among these three choices that determine the behavior when Run... is selected.
- Output to Screen: The report appears on the screen.
- Output to Printer: The printer dialog box appears.
- Output to File: The Export to File window appears.
Prompt for Selection Criteria: Allows you to toggle the Selection Criteria prompt on or off. When turned on, the Selection Criteria window is displayed when Run… is selected.
Catalog Manager: Select Tools, Catalog Manager… to display the Catalog Manager window. The Catalog Manager is used to customize tables contained as part of an Information Category being used in a given report or multiple reports.
Catalog View Manager: Select Tools, Catalog View Manager… to create and manage Catalog displays which are composed of SQL statements creating unique tables for database access.
Manage Folders: Select Tools, Manage Folders… to make changes to the report or category folders stored by CDD.
Load/Unload, Load, Unload: Select Tools, Load/Unload to save and relocate CDD reports. CDD reports are stored on dynamic databases. Making these reports available to a wide variety of users, sometimes at multiple locations, is often important. The Load/Unload tool creates CDD files which can be moved (together with their associated information categories) from database to database and location to location.
Validate Categories: Select Tools, Validate Categories… to verify that the category being used by the report is consistent with the report parameters.
Your options are to Cascade, Tile Horizontally, and Tile Vertically the open windows.
In addition, all open reports are listed here. The report currently displayed in the CDD design window is indicated by a check mark.
The Help selection allows you to retrieve help on a variety of CDD topics. The Help menu also provides you with information about the VBScript utilities.