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Manage Users - NUUPUS

The Nucleus (NU) Manage Users (NUUPUS) page provides the ability to create and manage BusinessPlus users. You can select this page from the main BusinessPlus menu tree or through the use of the Administrative Console, Manage Users tab.

User identity (not labeled)

User ID: Up to twelve characters that uniquely identify the user. It is suggested that first names be used, where possible. This is the character string to be entered when prompted by the system to enter the User ID. The User ID is printed on all reports and appears in the User ID field of all data entry pages. The User ID should not contain special characters other than . (period) and _ (underscore).

User IDs should not contain space characters. If a space is detected, the system prompts the user to correct it. User IDs with leading or trailing spaces are automatically corrected by removing the spaces and saving the record without user intervention.

User Name: Up to 128 characters that represent the name of the user, in first name first order. For example, William T. Smith, III. This name appears on the Run Request report and on data collection forms. A long full name may not be fully displayed. Move the cursor through the name field to display the rest of the data.

Location: An eight-character code that describes the typical location of the user. This code must exist in the NU Common Codes (NUUPCD) page with a Code Category of NULC. This information is printed on the Run Request report when the user launches a job.

Status: Specifies the status of the user account.

  • A (Active): The account is active.

  • I (Inactive): The account is inactive.

  • L (Locked): The account has been locked.

  • P (Change Password): The user must change their password at the next login.

Description: Up to 30 characters that describe the user. It is suggested that the user's job description be placed in this field. This information is printed on the Run Request report when the user launches a job.

Manager: An eight-character code designating the person responsible for managing the user's capabilities and descriptions. This code must exist in NU Common Codes with a Code Category of NUMG. This information is printed on the Run Request report when the user launches a job.

Email Address: Enter the user's email address to be used throughout the system (for example, the Purchase Order Subsystem for approvals).

Hours: An eight-character code that represents the days and hours when the user is allowed to use the system. Entering @@ will allow the user to log on at any time. This code must have been previously defined in NU Common Codes with a Code Category of NUHR. This information is printed on the Run Request report when the user launches a job.

Main tab

The main tab of the Manage Users page contains the general settings for each user.


Workflow Enable: Sets the current workflow-enabled status for the user.

  • A: Administrator

  • D: Delegatee only

  • N: No participation

  • W: Workflow only

  • Y: Workflow and Delegatee

Out of Office: Select this field to indicate if the user is out of the office.

User Settings

Password Expiration: This field represents the life of the password in days. After the number of days entered in this field, the user password expires. The Logon module will prompt the user for a new password. If 0 (zero) is entered, the password never expires.

Password Timeout: Length of time, in minutes, after which the active process will require the user to enter the password. If 0 (zero) is entered, the password never times out. Maximum value = 166.

If the session is currently on a page, an inactivity timeout will occur to exit the user from the page after an interval of the minutes specified, then after another interval of the minutes specified, the timeout will occur to enter the password. For example, say the session password timeout is 20 minutes, and the session is currently on the NU Manage Users page. After 20 minutes, the page will exit, redirecting the session to the main menu. After another 20 minutes, the user will be required to enter a password to continue working.

Inactivity Timeout: Length of time, in minutes, after which the current process will respond as if the user had selected Exit. If 0 (zero) is entered, the terminal never times out. Maximum value = 999.

Max Job Priority: Maximum job priority the user is allowed to specify when running jobs. This field determines whether a job is run immediately or deferred to be executed at a later time. 

OS User must equal BusinessPlus USERID: Select this field to require the OS User and the BusinessPlus USERID to be the same.

Allow User to Schedule Jobs: Select this field to allow the user to schedule batch jobs.

Allow Interactive Jobs: Select this field to allow the user to run both batch and interactive jobs.

Allow Override for Posted Files: Select this field to allow the user to post batch files from any group. It overrides the restriction that batch files must not be posted from the Posted group.

Allow Override of Job Queue: Select this field to allow the user to place a job in a different job queue than the system default. Queues can be set up to categorize jobs based on estimated run time. For example, long running jobs are in their own queue.

Allow Password Change: Select this field to allow password change.

Cognos User: Select this option to identify Cognos users so their security can flow to Cognos when logging in. Select Tools and choose Rebuild User Security the first time you select this option.

No Password, LDAP/SSO: When you select No Password, then Allow Password Change is set to cleared and cannot be selected. Password changes are handled externally in Active Directory or Azure/Google. On save, NOPW is written to the us_usno_mstr.us_pw column. All other manual password changes are also blocked. When cleared, Allow Password Change becomes active again.


GL Ledger: Assign a specific general ledger to be the default for the user by selecting the appropriate general ledger code.

JL Ledger: Assign a specific job ledger to be the default for the user by selecting the appropriate job ledger code.

PO Security Code: Assign a default PO Security code to be used by the user. Codes read from POUPSC.

SI Security Code: Assign a default SI Security code to be used by the user. Codes read from SIUPCD.

OH Security Code: Assign a default OH Security code to be used by the user. The security code must have been previously defined in Accounts Payable Security Codes (APOHUPCD).

Default Printers

Line Printer: Codes that specify line printers and priorities to be used for standard printing purposes, when the user requests reports. These entries control what appears to the user in Line Printer drop-down lists.

Form Printer: Codes that represent the printers to be used for special forms printing when the user requests reports. These entries control what appears to the user in Form Printer drop-down lists.

Line Printers and Form Printers: To permit use of all printers, enter @@ in the second field. All printers will be displayed to the user for selection when printing. All printer codes are defined in NU Common Codes with a Code Category of NULP. Use a single @ as a wildcard character. For example, to give a user access to all printers beginning with D10, enter D10@. Setup in these fields controls the list of printers in related drop-down lists.

Print Priority fields: Specifies the priority to be used for special forms printing when the user requests reports.

Line and Form Printer Max: The maximum priority that can be set for a line printer or form printer.

Record Information

User Number: This display-only field indicates the user number of the current user. This is a system-generated number assigned to the User ID when first created.

Last Password Change: This display-only field indicates the last date that the user changed their password.

Last Login Date: This display-only field indicates the last date that the user logged into the software.

Security Tab

The security tab of the User Information page is used to assign security roles to a user. Select the Security Role ID to assign a role assignment to the user. Delete a Security Role ID to remove the role assignment. Select Tools, and then select Rebuild User Security to complete the assignment process. The Sort Order determines how the list is displayed.

Role ID: Select the Security Role ID to assign a role assignment to the user.

Role Title: Displays the role title.

Workflow Tab

The Workflow tab functions much like the Security tab except that it applies Workflow Group assignments to the current user.

Group ID: Select the Group ID to assign a role assignment to the user.

Group Title: Displays the group title.

When an administrator adds a workflow group to a User account, it assigns the next available priority.

Example 1: A workflow group has 19 assigned users. The administrator adds the workflow group to a new user from one of the workflow tabs described and saves the record. The new user is assigned priority 20.

Example 2: A workflow group has been created and has no assigned users. The administrator adds the workflow group to a user from one of the workflow tabs described and saves the record. The user is assigned priority 1, which is the starting priority value.

The same priority assignment applies if the administrator uses the Administrative Console and selects Manage Users, then the Workflow tab.

Associations Tab

Associations are often required in the setup of other modules in order to identify the user role, permissions or restrictions within a particular program, such as Applicant Online, Bid Online, or others. The Associations tab allows Nucleus Associations to be added, set, and removed for the selected user. The list of associations is defined by the NUAS Common Code. Open the list to display the associations available.

Association Code: Select the Association Code to assign an association to the user.

Value: Displays the association value.

To add a new association, Select Add and select from the list. The assigned associations can be displayed using the arrows, if there are more associations than display in the list. To delete an association, Select Delete while the association record is displayed.

SSO Mapping Tab

Mapping ID: This field is used to integrate with various Identity Providers, such as Microsoft Azure, Google, and so forth. For example, you can enter a value, such as the Microsoft OID.


The tools available from the Manage Users page allow different activities to be performed against the selected user record.

Login Settings

Allows the administrator to enable or disable the forgot password settings for Business Plus and Employee Online login page.

  • Finance Login: Select to enable the forgot password settings for BusinessPlus.

  • Employee Online: Select to enable the forgot password settings for Employee Online.

Unauthorized users accessing the Forgot Login link page via bookmarks will be redirected to an unauthenticated page. The page will display the following message: “You do not have permission to perform this action. Please contact your system administrator.”

Set User Password

Allows the current user password to be set or changed. The minimum length is 8 characters.

Rebuild User Security

Creates a Workflow queue record to rebuild the current user security output. This step is required after changing the user security role assignments or identifying the user as a Cognos user.

Copy User

Use the Copy User tool to create a new user with permissions based on the selected user. You can copy General Setup, Security and Workflow Role Assignments, and Associations. You will be prompted for the new User ID, Name, Email, Description, and Password and the tool will create the new user based on the currently selected user, changing only the items in the tool dialog. Select OK to run the tool, and the new user is added to the current entity list.

Jobs Detail (Administrative Console Only)

Any jobs that have been launched after the Jobs tab or page is opened can be tracked in this panel. Double-click the job number to display any available information.

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