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Capacity Management Codes
The following describes each data item on the COMMON CODES MASTER screen which applies to establishing database capacity checking for a given job. This function is only available for masks defined in SYDBCAP.PERM. Note-On UNIX systems database capacity management is handled differently and the concept of checking individual tables and jobs is not necessary.
Code Category: NUCM
Code Value: APOHPA - Mask representing job for which database capacity is to be checked. This may also be specified in the Check DB? field on the NEXT QUESTION PROMPTING screen (NUUPJB). The advantage of using the common code is that future CUTIPs will not affect the common code setting.
Short Description: Used to describe the common code.
Medium Description: Used to describe the common code.
Long Description: Used to describe the common code.
Associated Numeric Values, Associated Codes, Associated Description
1-5: Reserved for future use.

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