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NUFG - NU945C0

General Settings for New User Utility
When Timecard Online is selected, the process asks for selection criteria to select Employees from Payroll. These Employees are created in Nucleus with the options specified in common code NUSC NWUSERTO for the creation of the User ID, Password, and email. The Nucleus users will have their nucleus name be the same as the name in Payroll. Their email will come from the HR Empmstr if selected.
Code Category: NUFG
Code Value: NU945C
Short Description: DEBUG – turns on debug for the process
Medium Description: Not required.
Long Description: Not required.
Associated Numeric Values, Associated Codes
1-5: Reserved for future use.
Associated Descriptions
1: This setting controls the sorting of the New User Report. Available options: "SORT BY NAME" to sort by the name from the originating subsystem, "SORT BY SRC ID" to sort by the ID in the originating subsystem, "SORT BY NUC ID" to sort by the new Nucleus ID. Default is by Name.
2-5: Reserved for future use.

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