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Multiple Batch Processing Queue
This common code is used to control CPU scheduling when a job is launched through BusinessPLUS. This feature allows for the automatic selection of an appropriate CPU processing queue, based on the estimated run-time of the job.
Code Category: NUJB
Code Value: QUEUE
Short Description: Up to eight characters describing the code.
Medium Description: Up to 30 characters describing the code.
Long Description: Up to 72 characters describing the code.
Associated Numeric Values
1-5: Value, accurate up to five decimal places, indicating the number of wall time minutes to serve as cutoff point for queue selection. If a job is estimated to take the number of minutes specified (or more), the queue named in the corresponding associated code is used.
Associated Codes
1-5: Enter the code(s) corresponding to the selected CPU queue.
Associated Descriptions
1-5: Enter descriptions corresponding to the time limit and code assigned to each value.

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