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22.4 and later.

PunchOut is enhanced for additional configuration of the description and shipping charge amount.

Code Category: POXP

Code Value: ADDFLD01

Short Description: Not required.

Medium Description: Not required.

Long Description: Not required.

Associated Numeric Values

1-5: Reserved for future use.

Associated Codes

1: Enter F to place the vendor item number in front of the description. Enter E to place the vendor item number at the end of the description.

2: Enter F to place the catalog item number in front of the description. Enter E to place the catalog item number at the end of the description.

3: Enter ON to add the shipping charge amount as a line item. Enter OFF or leave blank to prevent the shipping charge amount from appearing as a line item.

4-5: Reserved for future use.

Associated Descriptions

1-5: Reserved for future use.

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