Spoolfile Management in PY Check Writer
There are a number of options for dealing with spoolfiles in the PY Check/EFT writer. The PY check writer is controlled by the common code PYFG/660CKOUT and the PY EFT writer is controlled by PYFG/660EFOUT. The following documentation applies to both common codes.
Code Category: PYFG
Code Value: 660EFOUT
Short Description: The first 8 characters of this field will be used to replace the spoolfile name that is seen when executing the MPE showout command.
Medium Description: If this field reads "BREAK ON SORT," a new spoolfile will be created every time the primary sort item changes. If this option is used, Associated Values (1-5) will be ignored.
Long Description: Not required.
Associated Numeric Values
1-5: The number of checks to be printed on the printer named in the matching Associated Code before a new spoolfile is created. If this field is zero, no limit will be placed on the printer.
Associated Codes
1-5: The name of a BusinessPlus printer. This printer will be used instead of the printer specified in the question SY03. The number of copies and the printer priority specified in SY03 will still be used.
Associated Descriptions
1-5: Reserved for future use.