Contract Retro Utility Options for PYUTRTRP
This common code controls Contract Retro Utility options for PYUTRTRP.
Code Category: PYFG
Code Value: PY214C
Short Description: Not required. Entering "DEBUG" in this field will cause information regarding Payroll Contract calculations to be written to the tailsheet.
Medium Description: Not required.
Long Description: Not required. Use to describe common code.
Associated Numeric Values
1: Retro pay must be greater than or less than this variance from zero, in a given retro period, in order for the retro amount to be written to timecards
2: Retro Earnings must be greater than or less than this variance from zero, for a given calendar paid day, in order for the retro earning amount to be written to timecards. This value Defaults to a penny if blank and Associated Code 2 is not set to "NO VARIANCE"
3: When this value is set to 1.00000 the Patch by Pay Line process will treat a supplemental pay period (not marked "REG" in the pay period Type field) as a regular pay period. Regular pay periods patch all earnings and all pay regardless of transactions already paid in the pay period date range.
4: Enter the Payout Variance. Default is $10.00. If you enter 5.00000 then the variance is $5.00 and any final contract payment that differs from the normal salary by 5 dollars more/less will show up as a warning on the tailsheet.
5: Reserved for future use.
Associated Codes
1: Reserved for future use.
2: When set to NO VARIANCE any retro earnings variance will be generated no matter how small and will ignore the Associate Value 2 setting.
3: Reserved for future use.
4: LV ORPHAN EX - This setting has an effect ONLY when Associated Description (4) is set to "WARN ON ORPHAN EX." Under this setting Exceptions that cannot be retro'd to assigned lines will NOT be backed out.
5: MATCH-EX - If data in the employee's Pay Line retroactively changes exception entries on the "old" Pay Lines will need to be move to a "new" Pay Line. Exceptions that effect patching must all be moved to assigned lines before the Retro Earnings can be calculated. An attempt will be made to move all exceptions regardless of their effect on patching. The matching pattern must be a combination of Pay String parts that points to a unique Pay String assigned to the user. These parts would be made up of data that would not retro-actively change. Note: Corresponds with the matching pattern in Associated Description 5.
Associated Descriptions
1: NO ERROR ON RETRO PAID - If the retro pay hour is not found in the employee's pay class, no error will be given.
2: When set to BACKOUT PAY ON RETRO PAID HOUR the Retro Paid hour code will be used to back out pay on Pay Lines no longer assigned rather than the hour code being backed out.
3: NO LAST PERIOD PAY ADJ - There will be no pay adjustment for Total Pay to equal Total Contract Value in the final pay period.
4: Controls exceptions entries that cannot be moved to assigned lines.
EX TO HIGHEST REC TYPE - Move exceptions to the highest Rec Type on the Contract.
RETRO ON ORPHAN EX - Retro on the "orphaned" exception setup will calculated the retro amount and put it back onto the "orphaned" exception, unless the hour effects patching. If the hour effects patching the entry will be placed on the Pay Line with the highest Rec Type on the contract.
WARN ON ORPHAN EX - Generate a Warning and back out the entry on the "old" Pay Line. The default behavior when generating a warning is to back out the original exception entry and give a warning to the user of the entries backed out. The user can then either fix the matching pattern and re-run the retro utility or make correcting entries in the retro adjustment timecard batch (RTADJXXXXXXX, where "XXXXXXX" is the current pay period being processed).
5: Matching pattern - Enter the Retro Exception matching pattern which is a sequence of up to 18 "X" and blank characters representing the 18 possible Pay String parts. Note: The order of the X's is the order in which the PY Gen Master displays the parts, NOT the sequence that the client sets up for the Pay String display. For example, the first 3 parts are always Pay Class, Position and Step. The default, if not activated, is for all 18 parts to be potential sources for the copy.