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Daily Timecard Batch Proof
Code Category: PYFG
Code Value: PY497C
Short Description: Entering "DEBUG" will cause intermediate calculations and logic to be displayed.
Medium Description: Enter SORTBATCH to direct the system to build its own id list for only those employees in the batch. This is a more efficient way to run the report for those clients where selection criteria will not be used. To make this work you will also need to go to NUUPJB locate PYTCDTBP remove the selection criteria question (PY10), sort question (PY4N) and remove PY051 from the JCL. The standard setup for PYTCDTBP without the SORTBATCH option is JCL - 05 ! RUN PY051 and 10 !RUNPY497C and questions PY4Y, PY51,PYAF,PY10, PY4N, PY4U and SY02.
Long Description: Used to describe the common code.
Associated Numeric Values
1-5: Reserved for future use.
Associated Codes
1: Set to "HIDE-STATUS" to prevent the timecard status (2-character code) from appearing with each detail line. Ordinarily, this Status Code appears just to the left of the detail line, before the Record-Type code.
2: Enter "INITSPLIT" to direct the system to place a "Y" in the "S" (Split) field on the TIMECARD ENTRY screens. This default causes all timecard hours entered to be split between the employee's pay assignments, unless "Y" is blanked out when the timecard is entered.
Entering "NORATES" will cause rates, rate adjustments, and pay amounts to not be displayed on the report; entering "YESTOTALS" will cause only totals for each hour type and grand totals to be displayed on the report; entering "YES" will cause only grand totals to be displayed on the report; leaving this field blank will cause all detail information to be displayed on the report.
3: "WARNCLASS" will cause the daily timecard batch proof to check if an entered hour belongs in the given pay class. If it does not than a warning will be generated.
4-5: Reserved for future use.
Associated Descriptions
1-5: Reserved for future use.

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