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New Check Writer
Code Category: PYFG
Code Value: PY666C
Short Description: Not required.
Medium Description: Not required.
Long Description: Not required.
Associated Numeric Values
1-5: Reserved for future use.
Associated Codes
1: Reserved for future use.
2: Recognized values for this field are (from PYUPEM):
ID - ID Only
IO - ID Within Org Key
IS - ID Within Supervisor (Selection Code 1)
NM - Name Only
ND - Name Within Department (Selection Code 1)
NO - Name Within Org Key
NS - Name Within Supervisor
S2 - Name Within (Selection Code 2)
E5 - Name Within Check Distribution Code (Educ Code 5)
SE - Name Within Check Distribution Code (Educ Code 5), within Department (Selection Code 1)
3-5: Reserved for future use.
Associated Descriptions
1-3: Reserved for future use.
4: DEBUG PROGRAM will allow you to directly run your program over and over from the MPE prompt.
5: PRINT TO SCREEN will print to the screen so you avoid walking to and fro getting wasted printouts. Useful for debugging. PRINT SAMPLE will cause an alignment page to print.

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