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Code Category: PYHR
Code Value: SUBCNTR3
Short Description: Enter the client acronym used when importing the data file.
Medium Description: Not used.
Long Description: Not used.
Associated Numeric Values
1-5: Reserved for future use.
Associated Codes
1: Enter the default GL ledger.
2: Enter the default JL ledger.
3: Reserved for future use.
4: Used with the SFE file format. Enter "NOCALC" to cause STUTLF to fill the Absentee Hours with the value in the file in Job Duration and Substitute Hours with the value in the file in TimeWorked.
5: Enter a Y to cause STUTCT to create a timecard record even when both Absentee and Substitute records do not have the Timecard Flag box checked in STUPAT.
Associated Descriptions
1-4: Reserved for future use.
5: Enter SFEEXTERNAL to use SMARTFIND Express to extract employee ID from the External ID field instead of the normal ID field. This option is used when employee's phone number is stored in the ID field.

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