When you schedule a report to run at a later time, CDD places the report into the "schedule reports" queue. The report scheduler program will then run in the background, poling for reports that need to be run. Once the "appointed time" arrives, the scheduler runs the report automatically.
CDD Schedule Wizard
To schedule a report:
Select File > Schedule Report from the main menu or click the Schedule Report button on the toolbar to launch the CDD Schedule Wizard. Click Next.
Select the report you want to schedule. The report will be run with its predefined selection criteria. Click Next.
Click the Select button to select a printer and set printer properties.
Select the time and date on which you want the report to run.
If needed, check the option to delete the scheduled task upon completion.
If needed, update the information of the account to run the report.
Click Next.
Review the scheduled report information. If there are no prompts associated with the selected report, the process is now complete, and the report will be run at the appointed time after you select Finish.
If the report includes prompts, you will be asked to fill these out in the Prompts window. Once you have made the appropriate entries, click OK to complete the scheduling process.
Scheduler Application
When reports are scheduled to run at a specific time, CDD launches the "behind-the-scenes" Scheduler Application. This application is designed to do the following:
Show a list of scheduled jobs.
Poll the database to see if a job needs to run.
Start the task at the appropriate time.
Typically, you will not need to deal with the scheduler. If you have scheduled a report, the scheduler will launch when you start your computer and it will run in the background without any attention from you. When the time comes to run a report, the scheduler application will do this automatically.
The scheduler application places an icon in the "tray" on the menu bar in the bottom right-hand corner of your computer's desktop. To view the tasks being handled by the scheduler application, simply double-click the icon. The Job Administration window consists of two parts:
Task Event Log — Tracks the "events" handled by the scheduler. Each time a task is started and completed, as well as when other events occur (a failed job, for example), the event will be displayed in this log. All events are arranged by date and time and are identified by a system generated task number.
Scheduled Tasks — Displays a list of currently scheduled tasks. Arranged by system generated "Task ID," the tasks are identified, their status displayed, and the times they were run. The "Status" of the tasks is identified as "RS" (Ran Successfully), "RN" (Running), and "RU" (Ran Unsuccessfully). Note: If a task did not run successfully (a status of "RU"), look to the even log to see what happened.
To schedule reports, PowerSchool recommends using a scheduled Workflow model rather than the Scheduler Application. This way, the jobs can be properly tracked.
Task Properties
You can view and edit the properties of a task by right-clicking in the task view and selecting Properties. The Task Properties window has three tabs:
Task Properties — display-only tab.
Task Schedule — display-only tab.
Task Connections — Allows you to view the ODBC information as well as to update the user information. This can be particularly useful if your password changes between the time when you schedule the report and when it actually is run. Also, if a job is launched and fails to run due to the database connection, you can use the Task Connections tab to correct the database connection information.
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