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The BusinessPlus security system is used to establish user logon capabilities, define user database access and job running capabilities.  The security system is the means by which an organization's internal accounting controls are established.  By correctly defining user access and job running capabilities, safeguarding of the financial data, as well as the separation of duties, is greatly enhanced.

System security can only be defined by a user who has been given the capability of managing users.  The ability to set system security will be given to one or two persons at the time of system installation.  It will then be up to those users to determine the security levels for other users.  If a user receives warnings regarding lack of access or job running capabilities on reports or during interactive inquiry into any database, the user should contact the person in charge of security to determine if the user's capabilities are defined correctly. 

Key Features

BusinessPlus security provides the flexibility to customize the system to best meet an organization’s needs.  Additionally, once the system has been configured, the designated system administrators can easily adjust and revise security status as necessary.  Moreover, BusinessPlus provides a powerful security system that controls access from "Class" to "Value" levels.

  • Assign unique passwords to individual users and control password expiration and time-out parameters.
  • Restrict user access to only certain printers and define the days and hours when the user may access the system.
  • Assign maximum job priority the user is allowed to specify when running jobs and specify if the user is allowed to schedule jobs.
  • Restrict user access at the row, field, and function level.
  • Define job running capabilities within subsystems.
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