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Auto Generate Employee ID
Code Category: SYNO
Code Value: EMPMxxxx (where xxxx is the entity, e.g., SYNO/EMPMROOT)
Short Description: Not used.
Medium Description: Can be used to describe the common code.
Long Description: Can be used to describe the common code.
Associated Numeric Values
1: Enter the STARTING SEED NUMBER. These fields automatically display five places of precision. The decimal point must be ignored when creating starting seed numbers. For example, entering "1" in this field will display the value as "1.00000." This will set the starting seed number at a value of "100000." If you wish to start the seed value at "38," then the value "0.00038" must be entered into this field. This value will be automatically incremented by the system whenever the seed value is used.Caution: Resetting the starting seed number may impact existing data (i.e., seed numbers might be duplicated between existing records and new records). Please evaluate the situation prior to resetting this value.
2: This value is simply a count of how many times the seed value has been used. If, for example, both the starting seed number (associated code 1) and this number are set to "0.00000," then these two fields will always be the same. As the seed number is incremented, so will this count of how many times the seed number has been incremented. The value in this field has no impact on the actual generation of the seed number. It is used for informational purposes only.
3 - 5: Reserved for future use.
Associated Codes
1: There are two components to setting up this 12-character field. In the four left-most positions a prefix can be added. If left blank, there will be no prefix. The two right-most positions contain the desired number of digits to include in the seed value. For example, entering "TEMP 06" will create a seed value that begins with the characters "TEMP" and contains six digits, which will result in a seed value that has a total of ten characters. Although this is a REQUIRED field, only the number of digits is required. Using a Prefix is optional.
2: This is an OPTIONAL field that can add up to two pieces of information to the generated seed value. The first is the Julian Date. By putting "JD" in the first two positions of this field the Julian Date - YYddd, where "ddd" is the current day (i.e., The Julian Date for "02/01/2005" is "05032"). If used, the Julian Date will be added to the seed number after the prefix, but before the generated number.A second setting with this field is to specify either "FML" or "LFM" in the last three positions of this field. This will append the user's initials to the end of the generated seed number. Using "FML" will pull the user's initials as First, Middle, Last, whereas "LFM" will pull the initials in the order of Last, First, Middle. Both of these settings (i.e., "JD FML") are rarely used.For certain seed generation common codes, there is another option for this field. When it comes to generating a Batch ID, putting the word "BATCH" in this field will ensure that the process uses the Batch Filename rather than generating a unique Batch ID. These SYNO common codes are easily identified because they have a code value of "BTCHIDxx," where "xx" is related to the type of batch (i.e., AR). Please see the individual description of each of these common codes for more information. Note that this setting does not apply to 7i sets (batches).
3: Another rarely used option is the ability to use part (or all) of the Manager Code in generating the next seed number. Each User ID has a given Manager Code (as defined in NU Manage Users). Any (or all) of the up to eight characters that make up the Manager Code may be used as a prefix to the seed value. For example, if a certain User ID has a Manager Code of "TECH1," and this field on the common code has "M15," then a string is created by taking the first and fifth character of the Manager Code.In this example that would result in the value "T1" being included in the newly created seed number.
4-5: Reserved for future use.
The order in which the seed value string is put together is as follows:
Prefix -> Julian Date -> Manager Code -> Seed Number -> FML (or LFM)
Of course, there is no practical application for using all of these options simultaneously for a single seed generator, especially considering that the maximum generated seed value is 16 characters, although for some processes only 12 or even 8 is allowed.
Prefix (up to 4) Julian Date (5) Manager Code (up to 8) Seed Number (up to 16) FML/LFM (3)
Associated Descriptions
1-3: Can be used to briefly describe the contents of Associated Codes 1-3.
4-5: Reserved for future use.
Examples (not including the rarely used settings in Associated Code 2 and 3):

Assoc. Value (1)

Assoc. Code (1)



AR 06



PR 06






CL 04


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