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Workflow Models


The J_FILES_CLEANUP.wdl workflow model facilitates the scheduled cleanup of old job files on the application server. On execution, the model sends a nucleus command to the application server where a script removes qualified J* files found in .spool dir for jobs. This only affects the Cobol Jobs.

  1. Workflow Model Setup

    1. Import the J_FILES_CLEANUP.wdl workflow model to the workflow server.

    2. Activate the model.

    3. Set the frequency of the model execution for example - Daily, Weekly, etc.

  2. Command Execution on Application Server

    1. The application server receives the command from the scheduled workflow model which contains the instructions for the script execution.

    2. The host script Job-CleanupJFiles is launched which monitors and removes all J* files found in the .spool directory for the jobs. It excludes files found in an EXEC, SCHED, or WAIT state.

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