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BP Year End

Welcome to the new BusinessPlus Year End product help, featuring a new look, improved navigation, and enhanced search results.

During Year-End processing, each client is responsible for the content and formats for all electronic submissions, reports, and printed forms submitted to government agencies.  PowerSchool provides sample definitions, which the client may modify as needed.  It is critical that all site-specific information be correctly configured.  Clients must give careful attention to the various settings that impact Year-End reporting.  It is the responsibility of each organization to test and validate all BusinessPlus-supported outputs (1099-MISC, 1099-R and W-2) in time to meet the deadlines set forth by various agencies.  PowerSchool assumes no responsibility for the accuracy/validity of your data.

As a courtesy, PowerSchool provides Federal and State tax tables for your convenience.  Each district is ultimately responsible for their own data and is expected to verify the tax tables and calculations are accurate. 

Additional Help and Support

Visit PowerSchool Community to access the product knowledge base, open a support case, or connect with peers and PowerSchool experts.

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