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Tax Tables - 2021

2021 Tax Table Updates Listing

Change Log

12/20/2020                   Release 1.00 (12/12/20 cutoff date)

Tax tables are supplied by PowerSchool as a courtesy. Each district is ultimately responsible for their own data and ensuring that the tax tables and tax calculations are accurate. We strongly encourage you to verify that the tables in BusinessPlus are accurate by spot-checking a few employees and by looking at the common codes as identified below and comparing them to the latest tax information you have. If you find a discrepancy, make the adjustment on your system and notify PowerSchool by entering a support ticket.

As part of the 2020 Year-End Update, the states below were identified as releasing new 2021 withholding tables as of the cutoff date. All other withholding tables were copied from our latest information for tax year 2020 and can be found in common codes by searching for Category PYTX and Code values of xx21* where xx = the state code (e.g., AZ = Arizona, KS = Kansas) and * is a wildcard. FE21* represents the Federal withholding tables.

All tax-related common codes have a Code Category of “PYTX.”


Code Value

New Calc Code

Source of Tax Table Information

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