Customer Information - PEFLCU
Would you like the listing in Name order? A Y response will cause the items to be sorted alphabetically; an N response will cause items to be sorted in PE ID descending order. Sorting information in name order while using selection criteria that is not associated with PE names is more time consuming than sorting information in name order and using selection criteria directly associated with PE names.
PE Customer Selection Criteria: If no selection criteria are entered, all records are selected. The following specific selection criteria are available within this area:
- 01 Customer ID
- 02 Customer Name
- 03 Customer Salute Cd
- 04 Customer SSN
- 05 Customer TIN
- 06 Customer Suffix Cd
- 07 Customer Security Code
- 08 Vendor Contact ID
- 10 Discount Terms
- 11 Tax Question
- 12 Tax Rate
- 13 Customer Price Code
- 14 Customer Price Calc