The EPayable option will allow a vendor to be flagged as an "EPayable" vendor and instead of a check being written for the vendor, the information concerning that payment will be placed in a file that can be sent to a bank for payment. Epayables follow the bank's own guidelines, whereas EFT must follow standards of a clearing house (needs routing and NACHA standard format).
The process is a combination of EFT/Positive Pay/BKUTLB with very simple data records defined. EPayable are similar to:
- EFT in how the processing is handled and paper remits being printed. If a paper remit is needed, it needs to be flagged on the OHEP/CONTROL common code and a SPFMxxCK check stock format ("xx" in the format name is to be the EPayable Check Stock ID) will need to be established as to what to print (see SYSPUB).
- Positive Pay since there is a file is created during the process. It will not interfere with the Positive Pay process though because only written or voided checks are placed in that file.
- BKUTLB in that a set of common codes are read to determine the size and type of information that will be put in the bank file.
The bank's file is described by a series of common codes that must be defined prior to running this process. The process will work with fixed-length ASCII files and comma-delimited files. The file is created in the /admin/data directory on the App server. It is the client's responsibility to transfer it to the bank.
Activate EPayable
- For any primary Check Stock ID that is used to print checks and is specified on an invoice (ex. AP) and you want to allow EPayable vendors to be paid, a different Check Stock ID will need to be specified in the 3rd Association Code that is to be the EPayable Check Stock ID mentioned in #2 below.
- A common code of CKID/EP will need to be established for the EPayable Check Stock ID. The 3rd Association Code needs to be specified as "EPAY." The option of re-deriving the posting code on EPayable invoices only for posting to the GL purposes during the check run process can be obtained by entering "REDERIVEPC" in the 1st Association Description Field. This happens only after the EPayable file has been created.
- A common code of SYNO/APEPY.xx will need to be established for the EPayable Number to be placed in the Check Number field. The "xx" is the EPayable Check Stock ID. This must be set up as an 8-digit number with no characters specified in the front of the number (e.g., Associated Code 1 = " 08"). NOTE: The two-digit designation of '08' must be right justified within the Associated Code 1 field.
- For an EPayable Vendor, the Payment Method will need to set to EPayable. The common code VPAY/E will need to be created.
- If there is to be a "Paper Remit" printed, the EPayable Check Stock Format (SPFMxxCK) will need to be created.
- A set of common codes will need to be established to define how the EPayable file is to be formatted and what information is to be place the record. The minimum requirements are OHEP/CONTROL, OHEP/xxGEN and one piece of data.
Common Codes
Each common code has the EPayable check stock (CKID/EP) as the first two characters of the code value. The Check Stock ID ("EP") is represented by the lower case "xx" in the common code configuration settings below. The codes may be ledger specific or set to "@@" ledger for all ledgers.
OHEP/CONTROL: Used to control the EPayable process and its options. (Required)
OHEP/xxGEN: Used for to describe general characteristics of the EPayable Bank file. (Required)
OHEP/xxEPNUM: Defines EPayable number position within the bank record. (Optional)
OHEP/xxVID: Defines EPayable Vendor ID position within the bank record. (Optional)
OHEP/xxVNAME: Defines EPayable Vendor Name position within the bank record. (Optional)
OHEP/xxVADDR1: Defines EPayable Vendor Address Line 1 position within the bank record. (Optional)
OHEP/xxVADDR2: Defines EPayable Vendor Address Line 2 position within the bank record. (Optional)
OHEP/xxVADDR3: Defines EPayable Vendor Address Line 3 position within the bank record. (Optional)
OHEP/xxVADDR4: Defines EPayable Vendor Address Line 4 position within the bank record. (Optional)
OHEP/xxVCITY: Defines EPayable Vendor Address City position within the bank record. (Optional)
OHEP/xxVSTATE: Defines EPayable Vendor Address State Code position within the bank record. (Optional)
OHEP/xxVZIP: Defines EPayable Vendor Address Zip Code position within the bank record. (Optional)
OHEP/xxVEMAIL: Defines EPayable Vendor Email Address position within the bank record. (Optional)
OHEP/xxEPAMT: Defines EPayable Check amount position within the bank record. It is assumed that the amount is fixed with no "." If not, see short desc. (Optional)
OHEP/xxEPDATE: Defines EPayable date position and format within bank record. (Optional)
OHEP/xxINNUM: Defines Invoice number position within bank record. (Optional)
OHEP/xxPONUM: Defines PO number position within bank record. (Optional)
OHEP/xxINDESC: Defines Transaction Description position within the bank record. (Optional)
OHEP/xxINAMT: Defines Total Invoice amount position within the bank record. It is assumed that the amount is fixed with no "." If not, see short desc. (Optional)
OHEP/xxPTAMT: Defines Total Payment amount of an Invoice position within the bank record. It is assumed that the amount is fixed with no "." If not, see short desc. (Optional)
OHEP/xxINDISC: Defines Invoice Discount amount position within the bank record. It is assumed that the discount amount is fixed with no "." If not, see short desc. (Optional)
OHEP/xxINDATE: Defines Invoice date position and format within bank record. (Optional)
OHEP/xxCONST: Defines the option of a constant value position within the bank record. (Optional)
OHEP/xxCONST#: Defines up to 9 more options of a constant value position within the bank record. (Example: xxCONST1) (Optional)
OHEP/xxPEAVAL: Defines the EPAY PE Association Code value position within the bank record. (Optional)
OHEP/xxPEADES: Defines the EPAY PE Association Description position within the bank record. (Optional)
SYSP/PAxx: Addresses question AP08 bank ID settings when reprinting a check run.
Recreate EPayables After A Check Run
If something should happen to the EPayable file after a check run and you wish to recreate it, you can manually do so by using BKUTEP:
- Enter the EPayable Stock ID
- Enter the job number of the check run
- Enter the printer option
The EPayable file will be recreated for the check run specified. It will be in the /admin/data directory on the App server.
Person/Entity Setup
The Pay Selected Open Hold Entries will process E-Pay transactions if the Payment Method on the Person/Entity Information page, Vendor tab, has been set up for this type of check processing.