Logging - PEUTLG
The Person/Entity (PE) Logging (PEUTLG) page is the primary location to view information that has changed in the Person/Entity (PE) Database tables, if logging has been turned on. It is a display-only page and no new information can be inserted, updated, or deleted. Inquiries may be performed, and file listings can be generated. All the information displayed is derived from entries originating on the Person/Entity Information page (PEUPPE).
To turn on logging of changes that occur regarding name and address information, the common code PELG/ALL is required. To log only specific fields, common code PELG/XXXX (where X=field name) defines what fields are logged. The following fields are available for logging updates: Name, Address, Association, Social Security Number, RALT ID, Select 1, Select 2, Affiliation Code, Owner ID, TIN, Email, URL, Status, and 1099 Flag. If PELG has not been activated, this page will not have entries. A hard-copy format may be accessed through PEFLLG.
Main Window
PE ID: The Person/Entity ID of the information that was updated.
Security Cd: The Security Code of the Person/Entity.
Status: The Status of the Person/Entity.
Name: The name of the Person/Entity.
Created: The date the Person/Entity was created.
Detail Window
In the bottom portion of the page, a single PE ID may have multiple log entries.
Log Code: The Log Code of the piece of information that was updated.
Changed By: The User ID of the person who updated the information.
Change Date: The date the information update occurred.
Old Value: The value of the information before the update occurred.
New Value: The value of the information after the update occurred.