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Mass Maintenance - BKUPMM

The BK Mass Maintenance (BKUPMM) page is used to update the event dates and optionally attach notes to the updated records. This page allows the query of records held in the database using a record filter. 

Selecting Records to Update

The Record Filter section (at the top of the page) allows selection of the records to update by entering criteria into the following fields: Check Number or Deposit Slip Number Range, Bank ID, Document Type, Check Status, and Amount >=, and <=. Entering information into any one or more of these fields will identify the selections to be returned. 

For example, to select by Check Number or Deposit Slip Number Range, by Bank ID, and by Document Type, enter the range of numbers you wish to update into the two Check Number or Deposit Slip Number Range fields. Then, position the cursor in the Bank ID field and select the bank ID from the drop-down list. Finally, position the cursor in the Document Type field and select the document type from the drop-down list. Click Select to instruct the system to locate all records where the check number (or deposit slip number) range, bank ID, and the document type match the selections given. 

Selecting Records and Changes

The other two fields on the page allow selection of the event dates that need to be updated, and to specify what new event date is to be attached to the selected records.

For example, after selecting the records to be updated, select the "Event date to update" from the drop- down list, enter or select the "New event date" to be attached to the record, and then click Select. The record(s) that match the criteria selected will be presented in the display window in the middle of the page.

Verifying, Updating, and Attaching Notes

Verify that the displayed records are correct. To attach notes to the records, enter information into the Notes tab. To update the selected records with the new information, click Save at the bottom right of the page.  Once the selected records are updated on this page, the following changes will be reflected on the BK Update Check/Deposit Information (BKUPCD) page:

  • The new event date is displayed in the Status Dates tab for the record changed.
  • The Last Update Date field is changed to the current date.
  • The notes will be attached to the record at the detail level.


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