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Person Entity Information - PEUPPE

The Person/Entity (PE) Information (PEUPPE) page is the primary location to define the person or entity identification (PE ID), sometimes referred to as a Vendor ID, Customer ID, or Account ID. The PE database is used by all modules of BusinessPlus. Complete this page once for each PE ID being defined. The page is comprised of a main page and tabs for Addresses, Phones, Emails, Vendor Flags, Customer, Price Calculations, Relations, Associations and Text to define various pieces of information related to the PE ID. After a Person/Entity is defined in the PE database, it can be accessed by all other subsystems. Inquiries based on the Person/Entity may be performed, file listings can be run, and BIDLIST reports are available.

Main Window

In the top portion of the page, the only fields requiring information are the PE ID and Name field. After entering the necessary information on the top part of the page, the user may use the tabbed pages on the lower portion of the page to further define the PE ID.

PE ID: Up to 12 characters that uniquely identify the Person or Entity. The PE ID can be system-generated. Click the ellipsis button beside the PE ID field to result in a list of system-generated IDs, based on the format defined on the Nucleus Common Codes (NUUPCD) page. When subsequent records are added, press Ctrl + T on the keyboard to use the next seed number from the last seed definition used in the active session. PE ID seeds are created using common code SYNO/PEIDXXXX (where X is the seed value). For example, the seed value for the vendor ID could be SYNO/PEIDVEND for permanent PE IDs or SYNO/PEIDTEMP for temporary PE IDs in the Code Value field. Refer to the Person Entity (PE) pages for more information. The minimum/maximum length can be set with the use of common code PEID/LENGTH.

For informational purposes, references to codes in this document only mention the Code Category and Code Value. Refer to the common code itself for complete setup information. Most codes related to PE will be found in the Person Entity section.

Security Cd: Select the Security Code to associate with the PE ID. Security Codes (Owner IDs) are often used to associate a PE ID with a specific BusinessPlus module. Codes available for selection are defined in common code PEOW/ with a value up to eight characters, depending on the application.

Expire Date: The Expire Date is used to indicate the date that a particular Person Entity is flagged to expire. The AP Invoice Entry screens validate this date if it is entered and will block an invoice if the ID has expired.

Status: Select the status of this PE ID. Valid codes are IN for inactive, AC for active, and PN for pending (PN used primarily for vendors that still have tax forms yet to be received by the entity using the vendor). IN will deactivate the PE ID in several areas within BusinessPlus.

Name: The name can be manually entered in this field, or it automatically populates based on the First, Middle, and Last Name fields. Enter up to 128 characters in Last, First, Middle Initial format to represent the Person/Entity name. If a comma is used when defining the name, the Person/Entity name will reverse when printed, but be stored as entered. For example, Vendor, Pat Q. will become Pat Q. Vendor when printed; but will be stored in the system as entered.  

It is strongly recommended that a naming convention be adopted to ensure data conformity and ease of lookup capabilities. For example, a naming convention would alleviate A1 Rentals being defined multiple times for A-1 Rentals, A#1 Rentals, A_1 Rentals, or other variations. If the individual to be defined has a name that is to be used for business purposes (DBA), such as Joe's Plumbing, and a 1099 needs to be reported to Joe Smith (Sole Proprietor), the PENAME will be Joe's Plumbing while the name Joe Smith is entered in the Sole Name field on the Vendor tab, with a flag code of 1099SOLE.

First Name: The first name associated with this PE (if applicable).

The Name field is populated automatically using the values entered in the First, Middle, and Last Name fields on the page. For example, if Joe is entered in the First Name field and Smith is entered in the Last Name field, Smith, Joe is displayed in the Name field.

SSN: The nine-digit Social Security Number associated with a Person/Entity. The system will format it with the dashes.

Select 1 & Select 2: Use these two eight-character fields to hold client-specific encoding that may be used for extraction from the Person/Entity database. The Select 1 field is displayed in Purchasing through the Purchase Order (PO) Purchase Request (POUPPR) page. It is helpful for describing the vendor such as a preferred vendor, a vendor of bad quality, etc. Select Code 1 is also used by the Professional Development module, to flag PE IDs that appear in the Instructor Lookup using code value PDINST or Location Codes, flagged with a value of PDLCTN.
If using the Student Activity Subsystem (SA), a value of SA in either of these fields will designate this PE ID to be a student group and definable in that subsystem. Select Code 2 is used by the Stores Inventory module, to direct the system to use the Product ID's external object code (defined in PEUPPR) as the default object when adding line items to orders in SI Create/Update Orders (SIOEUB) page. In addition, if NU Common Codes Category/Value of PEPR/BUYERis defined and the short description is ON, a buyer PEID entered in the PE Product Information (PEUPPR) page, Buyer field, is validated for buyer designation by checking the SELECT 1 or SELECT 2 field for code value BUYER for the PEID.

Middle Name: The middle name associated with this PE (if applicable).

Affiliation: A code designating a link between the defined PE ID and another PE ID. For example, the term Computer can be placed in this field to link all PE IDs with a Computer affiliation code to the description of Computer Vendors. Later, a report may be extracted with the use of selection criteria listing all PE IDs that are computer vendors. Codes available for selection are defined in common codes, with a Category/Value of PEAF/XXXXXXXX, where X = Affiliation.

Last Name: The last name associated with this PE (if applicable).

Salute Cd: Select the salutation code that represents the salutation for formal correspondence. Codes available for selection are defined in common codes, with a Category/Value of PESA/XXXX. Examples include MS to represent Ms. and DR to represent Dr.

Suffix: Select the code to be used for names having a suffix. Codes available for selection are defined in common codes, with a Category/Value of PESF/XXXX. Common examples are III, PhD. and Jr.

Nickname: Up to 40 characters that represent the person's nickname. This will be used as an informal salutation on user-defined address labels. For example, if the entity is International Business Machines, the nickname might be IBM.

Created: This display-only field indicates the date this PE ID was added to the PEDB.

Web URL: Enter the URL associated with this PE ID in this field. Currently, BusinessPlus provides access to this field from CDD and Workflow. The maximum limit is 80 characters.

Addresses Tab

Use the Person/Entity Addresses tabbed page to define an address for a PE ID. The information defined on this page is available for printing on accounts payable checks, purchase orders, accounts receivable invoices, statements, and 1099 reports. A single PE ID may have multiple addresses. For example, a particular PE ID may have a purchasing address, an accounts payable address, and an accounts receivable address, in addition to a primary business address. In single view, one four-line address may be defined at a time. Multiple addresses may be added in grid view (accessed by selecting Show Grid from the Options menu).

Address Type: A code representing the type of address. The Address Type field can also be used for Security. The Address Type can allow a user to read certain address types but not to make changes, and write access to other address types where changes can be made. Codes available for selection are defined in common codes, with a Category/Value of PEAD/XX. Common examples are B1 for Billing, P1 for Purchasing Address, PR for Primary, and R1 for Remittance Address. To define multiple addresses for a Person/Entity, click the green (plus sign) Add icon in the lower left corner of the tab. When entering multiple addresses, enter a different Address Type code for each address.

Status: Select AC (Active) or IN (Inactive) address status. IN will deactivate the address from displaying in the AP, AR, PO, and SI subsystem screens within BusinessPlus.

Address Line 1-4: Up to 50 characters representing an in care of addressee, a street address, etc. Multiple addresses may be added in Grid Mode (accessed by selecting Show Grid from the Options menu).

Zip: Up to 14 characters designating the zip code. If the zip code has been defined on the Person/Entity (PE) Zip Code Translation (PEUPZP) page, entering only the zip code will translate the city and state field information.

Different countries treat zip codes differently. If the zip code entered contains a forward slash / , the characters before the / appears before the city, and the characters after the / appear after the city. For example, if Hamburg is entered as the city and 100/200 is entered as the zip, 100 Hamburg 200 will be printed on reports.

City: Up to 30 characters designating the city name associated with the PE ID being defined. This field may be left blank; if the zip code for this address has been defined on the PE Zip Code Translation page, the system will automatically retrieve the city and state information for the zip code entered.

St/Prov: Select the code representing the state. This field may be left blank; if the zip code for this address has been defined on the PE Zip Code Translation page, the system will automatically retrieve the city and state information for the zip code entered. Codes available for selection are defined in common codes, with a Category/Value of PEST/XX (state code).

Country Code: Select the code representing the country portion of the address. If left blank, the system will default to the country in which the site is defined. Codes available for selection are defined in common codes, with a Category/Value of PECO/XXXX(country code).

Contact ID: Select the primary contact for this PE ID. The contact must already exist in the Person/Entity Information database.

Attention: Attention notation for the Contact ID.

Phones Tab

Phone Type Cd: A code to identify the type of phone number. Press the arrow to the right of the field for a drop-down list of options. Codes available for selection are defined in common codes, with a Category/Value of PEPH/XX.

Address Type: If the phone number is associated with a specific address, that address code is selected here.

Number: Enter the three-digit area code (optional) and the seven-digit phone number. The number is formatted (XXX) XXX-XXXX automatically upon tabbing out of the field or pressing enter.

Ext: The phone's extension (up to four digits), if applicable.

Country Cd: Enter the country code; it is only necessary for non-US addresses. Code values available in the drop-down are defined under the common codes Category/Value of PECO/XXXX= a four-character value for country code.

Emails Tab

Email Type Cd: A code representing the type of email. Codes available for selection are defined in NU Common Codes, with a Category/Value of PEEM/XX.

Address Type: If the email is associated with a specific address, that address code is selected here.

Email: Up to 128 characters representing the Person/Entity email address.

Vendor Tab

Details of specific Vendor information, such as 1099, Payment Method, Security, and Type for a Person/Entity.

Payments Tab

Method of Payment

EFT Type: If EFT/ACH is selected under Payment Options, the EFT Type drop-down list will be populated with the following hard-coded options:

  • CCD for Corporate, no addenda record

  • CCD+ for Corporate, one addenda record

  • CTX for Corporate, multiple addenda records

  • PPD for Personal, no addenda record

  • PPD+ for Personal, one addenda record

For PEIDs set with Payment Option Y (EFT/ACH), the EFT Type will default to CDD, if this field is left blank.

Addenda Type: When an EFT Type with addenda is chosen, then BusinessPlus needs to know how to format the file to be generated. Select the Addenda Type from the drop-down list; list options are hard-coded with supported addenda options. 

Payment Options: Leaving blank or selecting <none> for this payment option will default the Vendor payments to N for Checks, even if the N is not visible. Checks for the PE ID will process using defaults within the banking setup. Other options are E for E-Pay, and Y for EFT/ACH. Note that EFT/ACH and E-Pay payments will create a text file that is based on additional settings and common code setup.  The values for the Payment Options drop-down list are defined and controlled in common codes with a Code Category/Value of VPAY/E, VPAY/N, and VPAY/Y. The Short Description contains the echo field value that is visible on the drop-down list. 

The check writer program requires common codes VPAY/N and VPAY/Y to be defined.

Bank Acct: Enter bank account number.

Routing Number: Enter bank account routing number.

Acct Type: Select from C - Checking and S - Savings.

HR Functionality to update PE:  The Vendor tab can be updated with the Bank ID and Account Number from the HR Direct Deposit record. The following must be set:

  1. Common code HRPE/EFT must exist – nothing specific needs to be inserted into the description, associated values, or associated codes fields.

  2. HRRQSS page, Add/Update PE DB <> N.

  3. HRPYPR, Direct Deposit tab, Calculation Type = NET.

  4. HRPYPR, Direct Deposit tab, Text EFT = blank.

  5. HRPYPR, Direct Deposit tab, Approval Code = SEND.

Upon pressing Enter, the Bank ID and Account # will be submitted to the PE Vendor record and will be visible on the Vendor tab. If the Account # happens to be greater than 17 characters in length, anything from position 18 on will be truncated in PE as the NACHA standards allow for only 17 characters.

Early Pay Discounts Tab

The Early Pay Discounts tab is where early pay discounts (and discounts lost) are defined per vendor. The Discount Flag field provides a drop-down list of available methods that can be used to determine how discounts will be processed for that specific vendor. The labels of some of the fields may change based upon the value of the Discount Flag field. Field labels are assigned as shown in the following table:

Discount Flag

Discount Days / Paid By Day

Due Days /
Invoice Day


Discount Days will be inactive. If a value is entered into the Discount Days field prior to selecting this option or saving the record, the field will be reset to zero and dimmed when the record is saved.

Due Days


Discount Days

Due Days


Paid By Day

Invoice Day

Discount Flag options:

(Blank) – If the Discount Flag field is left blank the vendor does not offer an Early Payment discount. No discounts will be automatically calculated for the vendor even if the Discount Pct and Due Days fields are populated. A discount may still be manually entered for a purchase order line or invoice line by entering a percentage into the Pct Discount field on the purchase order line item record or in the Disc. Terms field on the invoice line item record. These discounts are generally related to a Volume Discount and not an Early Payment discount.

  • If the Due Days field is populated on the Vendor tab, that value will be added to the Invoice Date and used to populate the Due Date field on the invoice line item records when the Due Date field is not manually populated, and the invoice record is saved. For example, if the PE Update page Due Days field is set to 30, the Due Date field on the AP invoice will default to the Invoice Date + 30 and the Discount Date field will be left blank.

  • If the Due Days field is left blank on the Vendor tab of the PE Update record, the Invoice Date will be used to populate the Due Date field on the invoice line item records when the Due Date field is not manually populated, and the invoice record is saved. The Discount Date field will be left blank.

S - Standard Option: – If the Discount Flag is set to the S option, the vendor offers discounts based upon the number of days that the invoice must be paid by in order to receive the discount. If the invoice is paid within this period, the discount will be automatically calculated and taken for the invoice. If this invoice is not paid within this period, the invoice must be paid by the Due Date and the discount lost will be calculated. This method is the most similar to the standard method used in prior versions of BusinessPlus.

  • The Discount Pct field will be used to define the percentage of the invoice total that may be deducted if the invoice is paid according to the Early Payment discount terms.

  • The Discount Days field will be used to define the number of days from the Invoice Date that the invoice must be paid by in order for the discount to be allowed. This value is added to the Invoice Date and used to populate the new Discount Date field on the invoice line item records. For example, if the Discount Days field is set to 10 and the Invoice Date is 5/25/2015, the Discount Date field on the invoice would be set to 6/4/2015, which is 10 days after the Invoice Date.

  • The Due Days field will be used to define the number of days from the invoice date that the invoice must be paid in full by. This value will be added to the invoice date and used to populate the Due Date field on the invoice records created for that vendor. For example, if the invoice date is 5/25/2015 and the Due Days field is set to 30, the Due Date field on the invoice would be set to 6/24/2015, which is 30 days after the invoice date.

  • Typical Use – If the vendor allows a discount of 2% to be taken if the invoice is paid within 10 days, or paid in full within 30 days, the Discount Pct field would be populated with 2.00, the Discount Days field would be populated with a value of 10, and the Due Days field would be populated with a value of 30. If the invoice was not paid within 10 days of the invoice date the discount would be lost and would need to be paid in full by 30 days from the invoice date.

D - Day of the Month Option: – If the Discount Flag is set to the D option, the vendor offers discounts based upon payment by a specific date during the month.

  • The Discount Pct field will be used to define the percentage of the invoice total that may be deducted if the invoice is paid according to the Early Payment discount terms.

  • The Paid by Day field will be used to record the day of the month that invoices for the vendor must be paid by in order to take a discount. For example, if the vendor specifies that the invoices are to be paid by the 15th of each month then a value of 15 would be entered into this field. The Due Date and Discount Date fields on the invoice will be set based upon this date as explained in the example below.

  • The Invoice Day field will be used to define the day of the month that will be used to tell the system when to switch the discount day to another month.

Example: if the Paid By Day is set to 10, and the Invoice Day is set to 26 the following values would be assigned to the Due Date and Discount Date fields for the Invoice Dates with a day portion equal to the values shown.

Invoice Date

Due Date

Discount Date

05/01/2024 - 05/26/2024



05/27/2024 - 05/31/2024



As long as the invoice is paid on time by the Due Date/Discount Date the discount will be taken. If the invoice is paid late, after the Due Date/Discount Date, the discount will be lost and the vendor will be paid for the full value of the invoice.

The Due Date and Discount Date field values are defaulted after the invoice line item is entered and the Enter key is pressed (if they were left blank). If the Invoice Date were later changed in update mode, the dates would have to be manually blanked out before they would be re-derived when the Enter key is pressed.

Vend. Account: Up to 20 characters representing the vendor assigned account number for your account.

1099 Tab

TIN: The nine-digit Federal Tax Identification number associated with the PE ID being defined. Common code PERQ/REQUIRE1 can be set to make this a required field.

1099 Flag: Enter a Y to indicate that this PE ID is a 1099 vendor for all transactions. This flag will issue a 1099 for this vendor and report all payments to Box 7, Non-Employee Compensation. Leave blank (or set to N) 

  • If all payments to a vendor deal with the same 1099-MISC type, such as Attorney Fees, set the 1099 Flag to Y and set the 1099 Dflt field to AF to mark all invoices for 1099-MISC processing accordingly.  Should an invoice be entered that is not 1099-MISC related, a Relate To code of EX may be entered to exclude the transaction's payment from 1099-MISC accumulation. 

  • If payments to a vendor have multiple 1099-MISC types, leave the 1099 Flag blank (or set to N), and leave the 1099 Dflt field blank.  Then flag specific invoices during Accounts Payable data entry time using the Relate To fields or update the Bank Reconciliation Page Relate To field according to the 1099-MISC type.

  • If a Person/Entity is never to receive a 1099, regardless of entries made through Accounts Payable, enter D in this field.

  • The definition of Y in the 1099 Flag field will not place a Relate To code of CC (Box 7 on 1099 Non Emp Comp) on the individual transactions in either the Open Hold or Check Management databases.

1099 Dflt: A code to identify the default 1099 relate-to code for a vendor. Examples include RO for Royalties and AF for Attorney Fees. Codes available for selection are defined in common codes CK99/RELATE01, CK99/RELATE02, or CK99/RELATE03, under Associated Codes. If a vendor is defined with a Y in the 1099 Flag field, but all payments are to be reported on the 1099-MISC in a box other than Box 7, the Person/Entity 1099 Dflt field may be used to direct the 1099-MISC reporting to another box.  To define the desired 1099 box, select the desired Relate To code (e.g., RE) from the list.

1099 Addr: The type of address to use for 1099 processing. If a vendor's 1099-MISC address should not follow the address hierarchy defined in Associated Code (4) of common code CK99/FILEINFO, a specific address can be selected.  

2nd TIN Notice: If the IRS has sent notification twice in three calendar years that a given vendor (PEID) is reporting under an incorrect Tax Payer ID Number (TIN) or Social Security Number (SSN), tag this vendor by placing a checkmark in the 2nd TIN Notice box. This prompts the system to place an X in the 2nd TIN Not box on the 1099-MISC form. 

Direct Sales > $5k: If a vendor has direct sales of $5,000 (or more) of products to a buyer for resale, Box 9 on the vendor's 1099-MISC must be marked with an X.  Check this box to print an X in Box 9.  If filing by file to the IRS, there must be a qualifying direct sales transaction in OH and/or BK so the 1099MISC file record is created correctly.

Sole Name: Up to 80 characters representing the sole proprietor name, if one applies to a particular Person/Entity. Often a sole proprietor has a DBA (Doing Business As) name as the PE name in the P/E database.  For 1099-MISC purposes, the IRS requires the individual's name be used (not the DBA name). The name should be defined First Name, Last Name.

Vendor Misc Tab

Contact ID: Select the primary contact for this PE ID. The contact must already exist in the Person/Entity Information database.

Contact Name: Contact name will echo from the name defined for the Contact ID selected.

Vendor Security 

No PRs: If checked, the software will block a PR being entered in POUPPR for this PE ID and will issue an error message: PE ID XXXX may not be used in the Purchasing system. The No PRs box is checked in the Vendor tab on the PEUPPE page.

Reason: Enter the reason for setting the security. This is for informational purposes.

No POs: If checked, the software will block a PO from being printed for this PE ID and will issue an error message: Purchase Order will not be printed for vendor XXXX. The No POs box is checked in the Vendor tab on the PEUPPE page.

Reason: Enter the reason for setting the security. This is for informational purposes.

No Invoices: If checked, the PEID may be used to generate PRs, but may not print the PR in order to convert the PR to a PO (purchase order). The software will block an Account Payable invoice from being entered in the Accounts Payable (AP) OH Set (APOHBTUB) page or the AP Invoice Entry (APOHININ) page for this PE ID and will issue an error message: PE ID XXXX may not be used in the Accounts Payable system. The No Invoices box is checked in the Vendor tab on the PE Information page.

Reason: Enter the reason for setting the security. This is for informational purposes.

No Checks: If checked, when processing a check using the AP Pay Selected Open Hold Entries (APOHPPPA) process for this PE ID, the software will not print a check and will issue an error message: This id XXXX, has 'NO CHECK' Defined. NO check will be produced for this ID.

Reason: Enter the reason for setting the security. This is for informational purposes.

Vendor Type

Select the checkboxes that describe the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) type. May be used for reporting and are for informational purposes only.

  • Minority-Owned

  • Woman-Owned

  • Small Business

  • HUB

  • Local Business

  • Disabled Veteran

  • Section 8A

Customer Tab

To access discount terms and tax rate for any transactions pertaining for a Person/Entity, click on the Customer tab. Below is an example of customer information for a particular Person/Entity.

Discount Terms: This field is used to calculate the discount to be applied at order entry time in Stores Inventory (SI) Create/Update Orders (SIOEUB) page. Enter the discount terms as a percentage that the customer will receive when an order is processed. For example, 5.00 represents a 5% discount per order.

Tax Rate: This field is used to calculate the tax to be applied at order entry time in SI Create/Update page. Enter the tax percentage the customer is to be charged if taxed. For example, 5.00 represents a 5% tax rate.

Add Tax to Inventory Sales: This field is used to indicate if tax is to be applied at order entry time in SI Create/Update page. If checked, the customer is subject to a tax or else the customer is exempted from tax.

Require Customer Order in Bundle Qty: This field is used to indicate customers whose order quantity should always be adjusted to the bundle quantity. If checked, a customer is forced to order by bundle quantity or else a customer can order all of any quantity. A bundle is the term for the order multiple of a product. If a customer is flagged to require the use of bundles, the order quantity will always be a multiple of this bundle amount. If any quantity of less than one bundle is ordered, then one bundle will be assigned.

Price Calcs Tab

There are three places to define price codes/calcs:

  • In this Price Calcs tab, associating the codes with a customer.

  • In the Discount and Price Calcs tab on the Product Definition page (PEUPPR), associating the codes to a product.

  • They can be globally defined in the Stores Inventory General Information (SIUPGN) page.

When an inventory order references a price code, the system will first look at the customer associated price codes, then if not found will look at the product price codes, and finally the global price codes.

Price Cd: A two-character, user-defined code that uniquely identifies the type of pricing being defined in the Calc field. For example, if the Calc is defining a retail pricing structure, the Price Code may be defined as RT. This code would then be referenced during order processing to determine which pricing structure to use when transferring or selling the product. At order processing time, the system will first use the customer pricing codes (if any); then, the product pricing codes (if any); and, lastly, the global pricing codes.

Price Calc: Up to 30 characters that uniquely identify special pricing structures to be used for the various customer classes when the product is sold or transferred. The user may enter up to six pricing structures for each product. For example, with a Price Code of RT (for retail), the Calc may be FIFO * 1.1, representing a ten percent mark-up on the current FIFO cost for this item.

Relations Tab

To access relation information for a Person/Entity, click on the Relations tab.

Relation Cd: Select a code to identify the relationship. Codes available for selection are defined in NU Common Codes, with a Category/Value of PERL/XXXX. Examples include RALT for RALT IDs.

Relation Type: Select the code to identify the relationship type. Codes available for selection are defined in NU Common Codes, with a Category/Value of PERT/XXXX.

Related ID: Select the primary contact for this PE ID. The contact must already exist in the Person/Entity Information database.


The Associations page allows various user-defined codes to be associated with selected Person/Entity records. For example, on this page a Code ID of RVD could be set up to represent that the AP account is current. The Code Value would be the actual review date, and the Associated Code description would be any details associated with that review. In addition, a Code ID of Open could be set up to represent Open bid on repair items.

Code: Select an Associated Code ID from the drop list. Codes available for selection are defined in NUUPCD, with a Category/Value of PEAS/XXXXXXXX. Refer to Associated Code examples below.

Value: Enter up to 12 characters representing the value to be linked with the Code ID being defined.

Description: Enter a description (up to 30 characters) for the given Code ID and Code Value.

Example Associations - Associated Codes for 1099


Type the date the W9 was mailed, if the W9 was mailed to the individual for tax information.


Type the date the W9 was filed, if the W9 was returned from the individual with completed tax information.


Type an amount with decimals in the Value field to report an amount of box 15a of the 1099-Misc form. Replace XXXX with the current tax year.

Example Associations - Purchasing/Product Codes


Type the Commodity Code in the Code Value field. If the vendor supplies a Commodity Code, the Bid List creation in Person/Entity will select all Vendors who supply a given Commodity.

Number: A numeric value associated with the Association Code. Format is #.#####.

Date: A date associated with the Association Code. Example: Enter a date the tax information was received when using a W9FILE association.


The free form text page is used to store any notes pertaining to a specific Person/Entity. For example, text can be entered regarding the collection history for a particular PE ID, or a future problem with an outstanding billing invoice may be noted. Up to 72 characters per line of text may be used for the PE ID being defined. This information may be viewed through a CDD report or reported through a File Listing (PEFL) but will not be printed on any other forms. 

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