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Product Information - PEUPPR

The Person/Entity (PE) Product Information (PEUPPR) page contains information such as the product ID number, description, stocked unit of measure, unit size and weight, carrying and order cost information, pricing calculation, and discount information. Choose one of the tabbed pages (Discount and Price Calcs, Brands, Vendor/Product Info, History, or Free Form Text) to further define a product, product vendor relationship, review history, or add text to a product and direct where that text appears. Links between the Stores/Inventory system and other subsystems require that vendors and customers be defined in in the Person/Entity system.

Main Window

Prod ID: Up to 16 characters that uniquely identify the product. Click the ellipsis (…) next to Product ID field to get list of available system generated seed numbers. Enter <Ctrl+T> in the Product ID field to take the last seed number used as the default seed number.

Access to products can be restricted according to Product IDs through Nucleus security. To restrict access based on Product IDs, use PE-PROD-MSTR for Data Set Name. DB name remains PEDB. This security (and security on owner and commodity code) will affect all six pages in this module. It also affects the product lookup page.

Desc: Up to 30 characters describing the product. This field is used for reports, catalogs, page echoes, and lookups. Enter your description beginning with the most general terms to the most specific. Example: Paper, White 8x11.

Status: Enter the two-character code that describes the status of this product. Valid codes are AC = Active, IN = Inactive, and OB = Obsolete. Active products are available for use throughout the software. Inactive products cannot be received in inventory. Obsolete products cannot be used in stores once the quantity reaches 0.

Unit: Up to eight characters that describe the unit of measure for this product as stocked in inventory; for example, Gallons, Case, and Each. Valid units of measure are defined in the common code category PEUN. After units are placed in inventory, this field may only be changed using the Person/Entity (PE) Selectively Change Units utility (SIUTCU).

Stock Class: Describes the inventory classification of the product. The Stores Inventory system supports the ABC Inventory Classification System that allows for classification of products into one of three groups for purposes of the safety stock calculation and inventory cycle counting. Valid codes are A, B, and C.

Product Class: The Product class code is required only when NU Codes Category/Value of PECL/Validateis defined, then any value placed in the class field will be validated against codes defined under Codes Category/Code Value of PECL/XXXXXX(where X is the class code). These codes can be used to identify general class of the product. For example, Food may be used as the classification for all food products.

Stocked in Stores: Select this box if this item is to be stocked in the Stores/Inventory system and the Purchasing system is to post receiving information to the Stores/Inventory system.

Prim Vend: Up to 12 characters representing the PE ID of the primary vendor from which this product is ordered. Optionally, this ID is used by the system if an out-of-stock condition occurs and the system creates a purchase request. This vendor must exist in the Person/Entity database.

Sec Vend: Up to 12 characters representing the PE ID of the secondary vendor from which this product is ordered. This vendor must exist in the Person/Entity database.

Commodity Type: Type codes are hard coded. Options are <none>, CUSTOM, NIGP or UNSPSC.

Commodity: Up to 16 characters containing the commodity code of the product. Universal commodity codes may be defined as desired. If, for instance, tracking of a product by commodity is desired, it is suggested that the product ID field contain the commodity code. Bid lists for purchase requests are created from this field. Bid list creation is accessed from PESR (Standard Reports). Access to products can be restricted according to commodity codes through Nucleus security. To restrict based on commodity codes, use PE-COM-CODE for Data Set Name. DB name remains PEDB. This security (and security on owner and product ID) will affect all six pages in this module. It also affects the product lookup page.

Internal Object: Select the ledger code and the object code of the account to be debited when this product is sold. During order processing, if the object code to be expensed is not entered, the system will insert the first object code into the account number. This is useful for items such as pencils that normally have an object code of office supplies. The account key to be expensed is all that must be entered since the system will attach the GL object code for office supplies.

External Object: The second object code can be associated with an outside sale and used when the customer is referenced in order processing. Enter EXTERNAL in the Select 2 field of the vendor's PE Information (PEUPPE) page. For sale-type transactions, this object code would normally be a revenue object code.

Misc. Cd: A code used to further describe this product. Valid miscellaneous codes are defined in NU Common Codes Category/Code Value of PEMC/XXXX (where X is the Misc code). When NU Common Codes Category/Value of PEMC/Validateis defined, then any value placed in the Misc field will be validated against NU Common Codes.

Buyer: Up to 12 characters that identify the person within the organization ordering this product. If buyers are not used, a grouping scheme may be devised that utilizes this field (for example, all art supplies may be grouped by Art to enable rapid retrieval). The PEID entered must exist in the database. In addition, if NU Common Codes Category/Value of PEPR/Buyeris defined and the short description is ON, this buyer PEID must have been designated as a buyer (for example, Buyer is specified in the Select 1 or Select 2 field of the PEID).

Size: Up to six digits (with a maximum of one decimal place) indicating the size in cubic inches of the product being stocked.

Weight: Up to five digits (with a maximum of one decimal place) indicating the weight in pounds of the product being stocked.

Category 1: This is a client-defined field. It is not required and it does not control any BusinessPlus functions. This category field is validated against those defined in NU Common Codes Category/Value of PEC1/xxxxxx.

Category 2: This is a client-defined field. It is not required and it does not control any BusinessPlus functions. This category field is validated against the NU Common Codes Category/Value of PEC2/xxxxxx.

User 1: This is a client-defined field. It is not required and it does not control any BusinessPlus functions. This field is not validated.

User 2: This is a client-defined field. It is not required and it does not control any BusinessPlus functions. This field is not validated.

Serial #: Select or clear the checkbox.

Discount/Price Calcs Tab

Ordering Cost: Up to ten digits (with a maximum of two decimal places) defining the cost per order incurred when the product is purchased from the vendor. This field may be referenced in pricing calculations as OC.

Retail Price: Up to 20 digits (with a maximum of five decimal places) defining the default price of this product for retail customers. This field may be referenced in pricing calculations as RP.

Carrying Cost: Up to ten digits (with a maximum of two decimal places) indicating the percentage of the cost of the product for warehousing the product per year. This field may be referenced in pricing calculations as CC. For example, the price of a product with a certain price code is the average cost with an additional 20% carrying cost. The Carrying Cost field would be 20% and the Price Calc would be AVG*CC.  The program changes the carrying cost percentage from .2 to 1.2 for calculation purposes.  If the Average Cost = $100, the calculation would be 100 * 1.2 = $120.00, which is the average cost with an additional 20%.

Discount Calculations

Disc Qty 1-6: This field is used in order entry to determine the discount for the product. Up to eight digits that specify the minimum order quantity needed to obtain a quantity discount. Up to six discount levels may be used. This field is not accessed by the Purchasing or Accounts Payable subsystems.
Disc Terms 1-6: This field (or the Amount field, but not both) is used in order entry to determine the discount for the product. Up to five digits (with two decimal places) specify the percent discount to be received for orders within the specific discount quantity range. Terms must be expressed as a percentage.
Disc Amt 1-6: This field (or the Terms field, but not both) is used in order entry to determine the discount for the product. Up to ten digits (with a maximum of two decimal places) specify the dollar amount of savings for orders within the specific discount range. If Terms are used, the system will display the dollar amount related to the discount. 

Price Calculations

Price Code 1-6: A two-character (user-defined) code that uniquely identifies the type of pricing being defined in the Calc field. For example, if the Calc is defining a retail pricing structure, the price code may be defined as RT. This code would then be referenced during order processing to determine that pricing structure to use when transferring or selling the product.
Price Calc 1-6: Up to 30 characters that uniquely identify special pricing structures to be used for the various customer classes, when the product is sold or transferred. Up to six pricing structures may be defined for each product. For example, with a price code of RT (for retail) the Calc may be FIFO * 1.1, representing a ten percent markup on the current FIFO cost for this item.

Vendor/Product Info Tab

The Vendor/Product Information tabbed page provides a link between vendors and products. A record may be created for every product supplied by a vendor. This can be done in single view or grid mode. One of the purposes of this page is to set up unit translations that convert the units received into the stock units (for example, Gallons to Quarts). Alternatively, if the common code category PEUN is used for global translations, then the completion of this page is not necessary for the unit translation.

Vendor: Up to 12 characters specifying the previously defined vendor ID.

Vend. Prod. Cd: A 20-character reference field where the product ID assigned by the vendor of the product may be referenced.

Buyer: The buyer who most often orders the product from this vendor. The PEID entered must exist in the database.

Min Order Qty: This field is used for buyer information. Up to 20 digits (with five decimal places) specifying the minimum quantity required to place an order for this product. This quantity is defined in terms of the stocked quantity and may be user-defined or vendor-defined. Below this line, the stocked quantity is displayed as a reference.

Max Order Qty: This field is used for buyer information. Up to 20 digits (with five decimal places) specifying the maximum quantity allowed per order. This quantity is defined in terms of the stocked quantity and may be user-defined or vendor-defined. Below this line, the stocked quantity is displayed as a reference.

Lead Time: Up to four digits that specify the amount of time the vendor requires to process an order for this product. This amount can be expressed in terms of days, weeks, months, and years.

Expr. As: A code that is used to express the time frame entered in the Lead Time field. Valid codes are as follows: D = Days, W = Weeks, M = Months and Y = Years. This field is used for buyer information.

Performance Rating: A four character user-defined rating identifying the quality of this vendor. Values placed into this field must have been previously defined in NU Common Code PEPF. Enter a one to eight-character code value of what is to be recognized as valid, and enter a description of the Rating Code in the Medium Description field.

Discount Schedule

This section allows the user to define up to six discount-pricing schedules associated with the product and vendor combination. 
Disc Qty 1-6: This field is used for buyer information. Up to ten digits (with two decimal places) that describe the quantity needed to effect a discount from this vendor when ordering. Enter up to six quantity discount levels.
Disc Terms 1-6: This field is used for buyer information. Up to five characters that uniquely describe the percent discount to be received if a specific discount quantity is ordered.
Disc Amt 1-6: This field is used for buyer information. Up to ten digits (with two decimal places) that describe the dollar amount of savings to be received if the product is purchased at the specified quantity. If Terms are used, this field will display the dollar amount related to the discount.

Unit Conversions

Unit conversions are used to tell the system how to convert the quantities ordered from vendors in units of measure these items are stocked in, when they are different. Global units of measure would be used to define standard conversions such as converting between inches and feet or yards, or between cups, pints, quarts, and gallons.  Global conversions would apply to all products and all vendors. Conversions defined on this tab would be specific to the product and vendor combination. For example, if a user purchases the same product from different vendors, one vendor might sell the product in a case of 12 while a second vendor might sell the same product in a case of 18. A global conversion could not be used because the number of units in the case is different for each vendor of the product. Case and box quantities can also vary widely from product to product or between brands of the product.

Unit 1-6: Select the unit description of the product packaging when ordered. For example, gallons may be the stock unit but the product may be ordered by the drum. Units are defined in NU Common Codes, with a Category of PEUN.

Operator 1-6: A code used to define the numeric operator (" * " for multiplication, " / " for division) to perform a calculation of the factor.

Factor 1-6: An amount (up to six digits) describing the stock units to derive the valid unit. This operation will yield the stock unit equivalent. For example, Purchased Drums*55 = Gallons Unit Conversion.

Brands Tab

This tab was designed to define Brand Codes that may be used on POUPPR, BQUPIT, and FAUPAS. For example, if your product represents Cordless Drills, the brands might be Dewalt, Makita, Milwaukee, etc.

Brand Code: Enter a two-character Brand code that will represent the brand for this product.

Brand Description: Text field for the brand description.

Created By: The system-derived User ID of the person that created the entry.

Create Date: The system-derived Date and time the entry was created.

Updated By: The system-derived User ID of the person that last updated the entry.

Update Date: The system-derived Date and time the entry was last updated. 

History Tab

Records on this form are created by the Purchasing system. No information is entered on this page.

Vendor ID: This display-only field indicates the Vendor ID utilized on the last purchase order printed.

PO Number: This display-only field indicates the last PO number this product was ordered on.

PR Number: This display-only field indicates the last PR number this product was ordered on.

Item: This display-only field indicates the item number the product was ordered on.

Qty: This display-only field indicates the quantity of this product received on the last order.

Units: This display-only field indicates the number of units received on the last order.

Unit Price: This display-only field indicates the unit cost of this product on the last purchase order printed.

Total Amount: This display-only field indicates the total cost of this product on the last purchase order printed.

Brand Code: This display-only field indicates the brand used for this product on the last order.

Order Dt: This display-only field indicates the last date this product was ordered. The field will be updated from the Purchasing subsystem (when the Purchase order is printed) or Stores Inventory receiving (SIBTUB).

Receipt Time: # of days between printing and first receipt. This could be useful for vendor performance tracking.

Text Tab

The Product Information Free Form Text tabbed page is used to enter descriptive information about a product. The user may enter as much information as necessary to describe the product.  This page has several additional tabbed pages at the bottom of the page to choose from. These tabs direct where this text is to appear.

Miscellaneous: This text is stored and available for reporting only.

Purchase Order: This text is used as your item description in the Purchasing module. If a mixture of @@ and specific ledgers exist in GLUPGN, the PO text and the Catalog text may end up being updated to be the same. Refer to SIUPGN, Catalog Text Type field recommendation for additional information.

AR Invoice: This text is used on the AR invoice.

Count Sheet: This text is used on count sheets in the Stores Inventory (SI) module.

Catalog: This text is used on the standard catalog report in the SI module. If a mixture of @@ and specific ledgers exist in GLUPGN, the PO text and the Catalog text may end up being updated to be the same. Refer to SIUPGN, Catalog Text Type field recommendation for additional information.

Packing Slip: This ticket is used on the packing slip form, where XX is defined by ledger in SI.

Pick Ticket: This text is used on the pick ticket form, where XX is defined by ledger in the SI module (SIUPFO).

NU Common Codes Category/Value of PEDS/xx (where xx indicates the Description Type) controls the number of characters that can be entered. The maximum characters are entered in Numeric Value (1). The common code would only affect newly entered text. The common code may be used to remove any of the default tabs so that the corresponding text type may not be used. To remove a tab, create the common code PEDS/where the value is the text type to be removed, and the assoc. numeric value is -1.

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