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Test Posting of Cleared Checks - BKRCTP

This mask is used to verify the GL postings are correct for a given bank statement. It will produce the Bank Recon GL Posting report that shows the checks and dollar amounts identified by the process as well as any errors detected. The test posting will also produce the Distribution Report showing the corresponding debits and credits as determined by the posting logic (GLUTSPSI). The test posting process will not post transactions to the general ledger and will not update the bank statement.

Bank statements are identified by a Bank/Check (stock) ID and statement date. Therefore, the first two questions allow the user to choose the statement to be processed. The next two questions prompt for the posting date and the printer to which the reports should be sent.

For a bank statement to be eligible for the GL Posting process, it must be reconciled and approved (status = A). Within each statement, only entries that are checks (type = CHK) will be processed. If it is necessary to repost a bank statement, the typical procedure is to undo the former posting using the GL undo utility (GLUTSUUN) and then manually reset the bank statement status from “X” to “A” using the BKUPBA page.  Once the status is reset to “A”, the statement can be posted to GL again.


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