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Asset Information - PAUPRD

The Project Allocation (PA) Asset Information (PAUPRD) page is used to define percentage allocations of a project to roads involved in the project. The fields echo data from existing projects and the percentage data is solely used for information used in reporting.  Content in the upper portion of this page is read-only and derived from the PA Project Information (PAUPPR) page.

Project ID: Identifies the project.
Project Description: Description on the selected project.
Ledger: Job ledger associated with the project.
Sub Project: Read only field.
Sub Project Description: Description on the sub project.
Status: The project status code, AC = Active, IN = Initiated, PL = Planning, HL = Hold, CL = Closed, etc.
Total: System derived. The total should add up to 100%.

Road Distributions

Road Number: Roads affected by the project. Code values available are defined in the PA Codes (PAUPCD) page, under the Code ID of ROAD.
Percentage: Enter the percent of the project, which applies to the road.

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