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Project Information - PAUPPR

The Project Allocation (PA) Project Information (PAUPPR) page is used to define projects and its associated information like the funding source, finance, and for tracking notes. This master Information page is used to initially create a project and associate it with a job ledger's organization key.


Project ID: Enter the project number.
Project Description: Enter a short project description.
Status: The status code associated with this project ID. Valid status codes are user defined in the PA Codes (PAUPCD) page, under the Code ID of STAT. Examples of status codes: AC = Active, IN = Initiated, PL = Planning, HL = Hold, CL = Closed, etc.
Sub Project: Enter a sub project or leave this field blank. The sub project will be required if the part has been defined in the PA General Information (PAUPGN) page.
Sub Project Description: Enter the sub project description or additional information about the project.
Ledger: Ledger that will be receiving the detail on your project. This code may be defaulted to always show the Job Ledger code. (e.g., JL)

Project Information Tab

This tab captures general information about the project.

Project Manager: Select the project manager code. Code values are defined on the PA Codes page, under the Code ID of MGR.
Start Year: Enter the project start fiscal year. (For example, if the project starts in 2014 but the fiscal year is 2015, enter 2015.)
Limits From: User defined entry for inquiry only. Some clients use this for additional information on the project. (e.g., job from FWY 15 to Dallas Rd.) Some clients use this for any funding restraints. (e.g., Match 50-50)
Length: Enter length of time in years to complete the project. If the project has no completion date, use 99.
Limits To: Enter the total project dollar amount estimated
Account Code: Enter any prior account number used on your prior system. Some organizations use FED or NFED for Federal, Non-Federal.
Contract Number: Some clients use this for other purposes than the Contract # because there are usually multiple contracts per project. (e.g., build the pick list in the code table to include detail the FTA scope/activity number or the agency providing the funds.)
Map Coordinates: Enter the map coordinates. This can be used for any user-defined entry. It was created to use with the GPS system.
Estimated Completion Date: Enter the date of completion on the project.
Org. Key: Organization key – Enter the organization key that represents the overall Project. The generic Org. Key that represents the funding source that the data entry people will be using when posting to this project.
Part Codes: Display only – Displays the background parts of the Org. key.
Select Codes: Display only – Displays the select codes of the Org. key.

Funding Sources Tab

This tab defines allocation of expenses to the funding sources for this project.

Fiscal Year: It is important to enter the year for the budget amount being entered onto this page. If working with two fiscal years enter detail into this page twice – once for each year. Entering 9999 indicates that this entry applies to all fiscal years.
Object Code: Select expense Object Code or Object Group.
Funding Source: Select the coded value for your funding source.
Priority: Enter the priority number. A priority of one (1) is the highest priority.
Override Percentage: Enter the percentage to be allocated to this funding source within the given priority. If no percentage is entered then a percentage will be derived based on the line entries for a given priority must add up to 100% or all be blank.
Budget Amount: Enter the funding source total dollar to be allocated to this funding source.
Funding Source Key: Organization key – select the organization key that represents the funding source. An option exists on the Funding Sources tab, to system-generate an Org Key for the entry based on the underlying project definition and the funding source. It is activated by creating NU Common Codes Category/Value of PAFG/FSNEWKEY for the appropriate ledger. If different rules for Org Key generation are to be used by different ledgers, multiple common codes may be created. When this feature is active, any change made to the funding source will result in an update to the Org Key.

Notes Tab


Areas of Concern/Corrective Actions: Descriptive text that represents areas of concern and corrective actions to address the concerns.
Budget and Schedule Variances: Text used to describe that budget and schedule variances of this project.


Comments: Comments and any additional text related to the project.


Description: Long Description of the project.
Page Number: Sequence number associated with the description. You can create as many pages of description as needed.


Milestones: Details on Milestones of the project.
Page Number: A sequential number associated with the milestone text. Unlimited pages may be created.

Provides convenience links to related pages.


Create Budget Set

The Create a Budget Set tool is used to create a Budget Set from Project Funding Sources. The project allocation information is matched against the selection criteria entered by the user for Ledger, Fiscal Year, Project, Sub Project, Phase, and Funding Source. Wild card matches are supported (wild char %) for the last four fields. The Reason Code & Budget Version are validated and used to create the budget set. The Set ID and Reference will be generated internally if the value entered for these fields is "SYSTEM."

Ledger: By default, current ledger will be displayed but can be changed
Set ID: This is the sixteen character (or less) Set ID (batch). Must start with an alpha character and contain no special characters. By default, "SYSTEM" will appear in this field, meaning the ID will be generated from the SYNO/BTCHIDBU common code seed.
Description: A 30-character description. By default, "Budget from PA" will appear
Reference: Maximum of 16-character reference is required. By default, "SYSTEM" will appear in this field, meaning the Reference will be generated from the SYNO/BUID common code seed.
Version: Budget version code. Must be a valid budget version for the ledger selected.
Reason Code: Two-character reason codes are required. Reason Codes are defined by NU Common Codes Category/Value of BURS/xx (where xx is the reason code).
Fiscal year: Four-character fiscal year in the "ccyy" format is required
Project: By default, the current project will be displayed.
Sub project: By default, the current sub project will be displayed.
Phase: Funding sources matched on phase.
Funding Source: Funding sources matched on funding source entry.

On entering the details and hitting Submit, the message "Budget Set xxxxxxxx created successfully" (where xxxxxxxx is the Set (Batch) ID) comes up at the top of the page if the creation was successful, and the Create a Budget Set tool will automatically close. If the Budget set creation failed, the reason for the failure will be displayed at the top of the screen. The Create Budget Set window will remain open until a successful insertion is done or the Cancel button is hit.


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